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Mettler Toledo Safeline Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing aline of advanced metal detection products. The applicant startedtradingin 1988 serving the food and pharmaceutical industries with detectors to prevent small pieces of metal finding their way into thefood chain. The industry standard is to use detectors tuned to asingle radio frequency, the applicant has developed signal generation andprocessing techniques to deploy variable and dual-simultaneous frequency detectors. The development effort to achieve this has beensignificant with five granted patents and five further disclosures going through the patenting process. The company has close collaborationwith University of Manchester Electromagnetic Tomography Engineering Department, sponsoring several PhDs to underpin its technology.

The new devices have 50% improved detection capabilities and use of these improved detectors allows customers to maintain standardswhile avoiding inefficient and costly false positive readings. The company was awardedin the International Trade categoryin 2012.

Mobysoft Ltd

Manchester One

5th Floor

53 Portland StreetM1 3LD



CEO: Mr Derek Steele

Press Contact: Adrian Mills

Tel: +44(0)161 974***

Email: adrian.mills**[ta]**soft.com


Mobysoft Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for development of asoftware application to help Social Landlords (SL) reduce and prevent costly rent arrears from their tenants. The applicant’s predictive algorithm audits aSL’s tenant records to identify the most at risk individuals,in terms of missing future payments, and then prioritises themin order for the income team. Many landlords have tens of thousands of properties and the income team’s task is to communicate, arrange and collect payments from tenants which can be ahuge job.

This provides savings to the clients and streamlines the income team’s work. The software has proved effective and allowed Mobysoft(establishedin 2002) to grow rapidly over the last two years.

Powder Systems Limited(PSL)

8 Estuary Bank

Estuary Business ParkLiverpool

L24 8RG


Managing Director: Ms Amanda Pitcher

Press Contact: Camille Flores-Kilfoyle

Tel: +44(0)1514 48***

Email: camille.flores**[ta]**ersystems.com


Powder Systems Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing an efficient manufacturing process for microspheres of uniform size anddistribution usedin drug delivery. The applicant started tradingin 1989 and is an international manufacturer of filtration, drying and containmentsolutions. Polymeric microspheres are used as time-released capsulesin injectable drugs with awide range of potential applications fromvaccines, hormones, anti-cancer drugs to diabetes treatment. anon-uniform microsphere mix would make the drug less effective. Theapplicant has developed amachine that can efficiently produce sterile, uniform beads of the right size. The process incorporates anumber of steps into asingle machine that can scale from small to full commercial production sizes. The machine utilises 98.7% of the pharmaceutical product, which is very important to manufacturers as every gram of product can be valued at several thousands of dollars. One of only sixdouble winners for the Queen’s Awards this year.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings

Tower worksKestor StreetBolton





Immediate Parent: W&J Leigh & Co. Ltd.

United Kingdom

Managing Director: Mr Ian Walker

Press Contact: Nick Ball

Tel: +44(0)1204 52***

Email: nick.ball**[ta]**win.com


Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings wins an Innovation Award for developing an industrial coating, which is used to preventcorrosion on awide variety of steel structures across marine, energy and infrastructure (road-rail bridges) sectors. Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings has developed an industrial coating that is surface, humidity and low temperature tolerant. This is the first product on themarket that combines all three of these attributes. The formulation was based on an existing product range that required reformulation withcuring agents able to function at 0 degrees centigrade and making it more user friendly (low VOC). The product was designed to meet needs of the offshore industry where harsh winter conditions reduce the painting season and for the UK rail industry to support infrastructure projects.

The product has performed well with unit sales up nearly three-fold over the past two years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Anari Ltd

The Stables

Gawsworth Business Court

Shellow Lane

North Rode


CW12 2NX


Employees: ***

Managing Director: Mr Nigel Dowden

Press Contact: Nigel Dowden

Tel: +44(0)1613 41***

Email: nigel.dowden**[ta]**i.co.uk


Anari Ltd.

establishedin 2006, is asoftware and services business which develops and delivers solutions that assist airlines with reducingcosts and increasing booking quality. It has developed an innovative ‘revenue integrity’ (RI) solution referred to as IRIS which checks airlinebookings for issues such as duplicate flights or connection time violations. The solution was first implemented at airBaltic (in Latvia)in May 2011, and is now operational at Fiji Airways, Kenya Airways, Qantas Airways, Biman Bangladesh and Aeroflot. Over the last three yearsoverseas sales have grown by 637% with the percentage of sales exported rising to 82% adding customersin 5 new countriesin 3 newregions. Anari has demonstrated that by identifying amarket demand and gap then creating aunique solution it is possible to enter andcompetein atough international market. The company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseassales over the last three years.

Bibby Maritime Limited

105 Duke StreetL1 5JQ


Immediate Parent: Bibby Line Group, United Kingdom

Managing Director: Mr Jon Osborne

Press Contact: Callum Stone

Tel: +44(0)151 794***

Email: callum.stone**[ta]**ymaritime.com


Bibby Maritime Ltd

started tradingin 1983 and provides floating accommodation to major projects around the world. The vessels are easily towed from contract to contract with no negative legacy issues or footprint to show that hundreds of people once livedin the location.


The company has invested over £20min the fleet over the last four years moving from being avalue, no frills operator, to being aserviceprovider for clients wanting budget hotel type comfort. They have also established themselvesin the Australian market, which has grownfrom 0% of revenuesin 2010 to 75%in 2014. During this time overseas sales have grown from £19m to £33m, an overall growth of 7***

Bibby Maritime win the Queen’s Award for International Trade for its outstanding growthin overseas sales over the past three years.

Crawford Healthcare Ltd

King Edward Court

King Edward Road Knutsford

WA16 0BE



CEO: Mr Richard Anderson

Press Contact: Tim Wood

Tel: +44(0)161 236***

Email: timw**[ta]**ismc2.com


Crawford Healthcare Ltd.

was established as asmall family businessin 1999 and became the subject of amanagement buy-out in2009. The company manufactures advanced wound care products at its state of the art facilitiesin the UK and has been involvedi***

acquisition deals over five years, helping it to develop and commercialise innovationin the treatment of wounds, and to increase its footprintin the company’s two overseas markets of Germany and the USA. The company recognises the different cultures and practicesin thesemarkets by employing local people, developing products specific to the market, and by focusing on the right people within potential clientcompanies. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. During this period it has also grown its total sales by 75% and more than doubled its workforce.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Delamere Dairy Ltd

Yew Tree Farm

Bexton Lane

WA16 9BH


Owner & Managing Director: Mr Ed Salt

Press Contact: Emma Kirkham

Tel: +44(0)1565 63***

Email: emma**[ta]**meredairy.co.uk


Delamere Dairy Ltd.

was establishedin 1985 to produce arange of goats’ and cows’ milk products, which the company sells using its ownand customer brands. Delamere Dairy started exporting over 20 years ago but only recently began to seriously pursue export opportunities.

The company now sells to 18 countriesin the Far and Middle East, Europe and North America, with China being its most successful marketfollowing the recognition of aparticular opportunity for long-life milk. The company now has its own officesin Hong Kong and Belgium andit also exports through UK consolidators. Multi-lingual staff are employed using market-dedicated web sites and marketing materials to promote its products locally. Delamere wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growth over the last three years.

Elegant Address South of France

Third Floor

2 White Friars



Immediate Parent: Elegant Address Luxury Property Group,Managing Director and

Founder: Ms Suzan Thompson

Press Contact: Tally Thompson

Tel: +44(0)1244 62***

Email: tally**[ta]**ant-address.com


Elegant Address South of France was foundedin 2004, after identifying agapin the marketf or aluxury, bespoke property consultancyin the South of France that bridged the gap between an estate agent and atravel agency to offer the highest level of rental andsales properties with unsurpassed specialist service and knowledge. Operating at the top end of the market, targeting the top 5% of wealthin the World, quality service is key, together with real understanding of both the market conditions, cultures and clients lifestylerequirements. Elegant Address South of France provides their services globally with their top international markets including USA andSaudi Arabia as well as European client base from Belgium, Ireland and Latvia. Elegant Address South of France win the Queen’s AwardFor International Trade for outstanding sales growth of 133% over the last three years.

Fairbanks Environmental Limitedthe Technology Management CentreMoss Lane View Skelmersdale




Managing Director: Mr Bob Conlin

Press Contact: Gareth Jenkins

Tel: +44(0)1695 5***

Email: garethjenkins**[ta]**banks.co.uk


Fairbanks began tradingin 1996 and now provides fuel management solutions using real time analysis software to over 13,000 sites oncontractin 35 countries. The company researched its existing markets working with aFrench manufacturer of fuel dispensers,in order to better understand market demands.in new markets it focussed on the major oil companies. Differencesin requirements enabled thecompany to tailor its offer to better meet client needs. Japan, for example, required the Japanese language to be used, which is unusualin an industry that speaks English. Lessons learned here have helped the company with other non-English speaking countries. Hardwarechanges have also been required due to the increasing number of different types of equipment. Overseas sales have grown by 350% inthree years, for which outstanding achievement Fairbanks wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

GA Pet Food Partnersthe Albert Suite

Unit 2 - Revolution Avenue

Chorley Lancashire




Chairman: Mr Roger Bracewell

Press Contact: Georgina Bracewell

Tel: +44(0)7866 31***

Email: Georgina.bracewell**[ta]**etfoodpartners.co.uk


GA Pet Food Partners started its businessin 1993 to process wheat from the family farm into dry pet food. The company now makes

500 different types of dry extruded food catering for dogs, cats, fish and small animals, which are sold to over 1,200 customers aroundthe world. Products are manufactured and packaged to the client’s requirements and under their own labels. The company focuses ontechnological innovation, which has allowed it to use more fresh ingredients than any other manufacturer. It also emphasises quality andintegrity with onsite laboratories to ensure food safety. Export sales have grown over the last three years by 49% or by over £8 million withthe number of UK employees growing from 154 to 248. For the first time GA Pet Food Partners wins the Queen’s Award for internationalTradein recognition of its outstanding success.

Genesys International Ltd

3A Aston Way Middlewich

KT19 8RG


Managing Director: Mr Stephen Chesters

Press Contact: Steve Chesters

Tel: +44(0)1372 74***

Email: schesters**[ta]**sysro.com


Twice aprevious winner of the Queens Award for International Tradein 2005 and 2011, Genesys International Ltd.

started tradingin 2001 to manufacture and distribute antiscalant and cleaning chemicals for usein the water treatment and desalination markets.

Overseas sales have doubled to £5 million over the last six years and continue to represent more than 90% of total sales. Its topmarkets include Peru, North America, the UAE, Spain, Oman and Saudi Arabia with all its markets being served by anetwork of over 60 worldwide distributors. The company has recruited no less than 30 new distributors over the last six years. Continuous research, newproduct development and technical excellence have contributed to the company’s success. Genesys International Ltd.

once more winsthe Queen’s award for International Tradein recognition of its continuous achievementin the overseas markets.

GGR Group Ltd

Presentation House


Broadway Business ParkChadderton





CEO: Mr Graeme Riley

Press Contact: David Sudworth

Tel: +44(0)1616 83***

Email: david.sudworth**[ta]**roup.com


GGR Group wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for Outstanding Achievement Award by using the successful business model of purchasing products from Japan, adapting them for the European market and selling them on through anetwork of 27 dealers acrossEurope and the Middle East. Establishedin 1995, GGR Group is Europe’s leading supplier of vacuum handling equipment, compact

pick and carry cranes, UNIC mini-spider cranes and restricted access lifting machinery for sale or hire. The company has seen steady growthin overseas sales, which has almost doubledin the three year period of the Award and accounts for 25% of total turnover. Therehas been steady growthin staff numbers from 95 to 115, bringing gross value added to the UK economy and net profits almost doublingin the period. GGR Group is not standing still and has international growth ambitions by capitalising on the existing dealer network by expanding into Russia, South America and Africa.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

St James Business CentreWA4 6PS


CEO: Mr Dave Maisey None

Press Contact: Dave Maisey

Tel: +44(0)7767 45***

Email: dave.maisey**[ta]**olutions.com


Foundedin 1996, ICC Solutions Limited’s objective is to provide effective and comprehensive software based test tools and associated

services to facilitate the most efficient Chip and PIN certificates with global payment associations. This company is very profitable, takingits technology into ahighly competitive sector and delivering market share. With continuing growth beyond its 2012 Queen’s Award fo rTrade and Innovation, the company again wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade. One of its major targets is to ensure it hascomplete penetration of the United States market, which recently started their Chip and PIN migration and should offer ICC Solutions

Ltd exponential growth. Working with the second largest merchant acquirerin the United States and investing heavilyin Researchand Development, the company will ensure that its test tool comprehensively implements the necessary functionality. It is adynamicbusiness, responding within the shortest possible time to changesin the technical specification and associated test plans.

Founder: Mr Vincent FergusonInciner8 Limited

began tradingin 2003 and is engagedin the design, manufacture, sale and installation of industrial incinerators for medicalwaste, animal by-products and general municipal waste. Since starting the company has grown to over £5m turnover with the majority asoverseas earnings from 145 countries. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for its outstanding growthin overseas sales overthe past three years. The company has strong ambitions to become the World leaderin clean environment incineration solutions and thefastest growing provider of knowledge and productsin the waste management sector. The company’s growth strategy was developedthrough close collaboration with key partners such as international charities, aid organisations and the United Nations. There is aconstantchallenge from changing legislation and tightening regulations, however this is treated as an opportunity to improve its products and to differentiate them from the competition. One of only six double winners for the Queen’s Awards this year.

Riverside Court

Huddersfield Road Delph




Founder, CEO: Mr Martin Littler FRSA

Press Contact: Martin Littler

Tel: +44(0)1457 81***

Email: martin**[ta]**usive.co.uk


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