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Isis Innovation Ltd.

trading as Isis Enterprise, provides technology commercialisation and innovation management consultancy services to organisations around the world. Establishedin 2004, Isis Enterprise is adivision within Isis Innovation Ltd.

thetechnology commercialisation company of the University of Oxford. Following extensive market research and the recruitment of international associate consultants with excellent local knowledge, the company expanded its service offering into Spain, LatinAmerica, UAE, Oman, Malaysia and Australia, and established asubsidiary companyin China. Malaysia was the largest exportmarketf or company salesin 2014 at 36% of sales, followed by China at 32%. Isis Enterprise has been supportedin itsinternational activities by both the UKTI and British Embassies.

Lakesmere Group Ltd

Ring Tower CentreMoorside Road Winnall

SO23 7RZ



Chief Executive Officer: Mr Mark Davey

Contactf or press enquiries: Mo Morgan

Tel: 01962 82***

Tel: 07971 57***

Email: mmorgan**[ta]**smere.com


Establishedin 1993, Lakesmere Group Ltd

is aspecialist roofing, cladding, and building envelope contractor and manufacturer,providing design, engineering and installation expertise. Demonstrating implementation of two core strategies, the company can show success including its subsidiary Lakesmere Arabia LLC which contributed 86% of the company’s overseas sales in2014. The company has shown amajor achievementin winning work for some of the largest construction projectsin the Middle East, and with the company now spreading into South East Asia, there would appear to be apositive outlook. It wins theQueen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas earnings growth of over 6400% over the last three years,resultingin exports rising as apercentage of turnover from 1% to 30%.

Lambdatek Ltd

Unit 21, Kings Meadow Ferry Hinksey Road OX2 0DP


CEO: Dr Thomas Felici

Contactf or press enquiries: Tom Felici

Tel: 07748 33***

Email: tfelici**[ta]**da-tek.com


Lambdatek Ltd

resells computer equipment. The family run business was establishedin 2005, and has recently extended theUK business into Europe. The company website resells over 150000 products and covers most consumer electronics and Itequipment. To extend its operation overseas, it had to upgrade back office systems to manage multiple currencies andlanguages, provide amultilingual website and extend its skill base to include native speakers for each of the target markets.

Lambdatek has been seen to grow its business through considered expansionin both domestic and overseas markets. Thecompany is achieving successin their overseas sales through well considered and well supported activities. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 680%in the last three years.

Mediastation Creative Solutions Ltd t/a Smart Cookie

Westbury House

15 Bury StreetGU2 4AW


Chairman: Mr Christopher Searson

Contactf or press enquiries: Ellie Box

Tel: 020 7048 ***

Email: ellie**[ta]**-pr.com


Mediastation Creative Solutions Ltd

began tradingin 2011 and provide digital technology agency services, offering strategy,creativity, and cutting edge production of Computer Graphic Imagery (CGI). The company trades as Smart Cookie and it winsthe Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. The company implements astrategy which is focused around collaboration and project work. It identifies sectors and projects that they may be able to assist through extensive desk research and makes direct approaches and uses collaborations with larger firms to gainentry into new markets and opportunities. afast growth start up business showing good resultsin its overseas sales.

Minesoft Ltd

Boston House

Little Green




Co-Founder & Managing Director: Mrs Ann Chapman

Contactf or press enquiries: Katy Wood

Tel: 020 8404 ***

Email: katy**[ta]**soft.com


Establishedin 1996, Minesoft Ltd

create web-based patent and intellectual property related business databases, and providescientific and technology documents and journal information via asubscription based online platform. It sells to the R&Ddivisions of major manufacturing corporations, specialist IP law firms, and Patent attorneys. The company strategy is seen to be acontinued focus on established customer networks, although apart of the growth plan includes working with small,specialist distributors familiar with the sector. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 87% over the last six yea***

OCS Group Ltd

Tilgate Forest Business ParkBrighton Road RH11 9BP


Employees: 2***

Group Chief Executive: Mr Christopher Cracknell

Contactf or press enquiries: Eleanor Kerry

Tel: 07831 09***

Email: eleanor.kerry**[ta]**group.com


Foundedin 1900 and locatedin Crawley, OCS Group Ltdare an international facilities services company, delivering strategic andsustainable solutions to complex facilities management issues. OCS Group has been able to show an all-encompassing

description of strategy, precisely detailing its domestic and international strategies, even detailing regional sub-sections and itsroutes to market within each. Furthermore, the company constantly seeks new technologies and innovation that it canimplement around its Group to help grow its business and achieve its strategy. To facilitate this, it has created anumber of Transnational Development Groups, made up of employees from around the globe to share knowledge, best practice andexpertise. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.

Original BTC Ltd

Unit 21-22 Avenue One

OX28 4XZ


Managing Director: Mr Peter Bowles

Contactf or press enquiries: Rachel Mackinnon

Tel: 0208 969***

Email: rachel**[ta]**raitcommunications.com


Original BTC Ltd

began tradingin 1998 and designs and manufactures lighting fittings, exporting to markets around the world.it wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 98%in the last three years.

The company sets out its sales expansion plans for existing and new markets that includes retail, online and contracting

opportunities.in 2013 most export sales were made to France and the USA, but the company is extending its territories to regions such as China and is carefully planning its market entry strategies for these regions. adetermined, experienced exporter with great ambition who is proudly promoting British manufacturing and building astrong market brand.


Oxford PharmaGenesis Ltd

Tubney Warren Barn

OX13 5QJ



Immediate Parent: Oxford PharmaGenesis Holdings Ltd

Managing Director: Dr Christopher Winchester

Contactf or press enquiries: Ellie Collins

Tel: 01865 39***

Email: ellie.collins**[ta]**magenesis.com


Foundedin 1998 and locatedin Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Oxford PharmaGenesis Ltd

provide marketing and writing services to pharmaceutical companies. The company is owned by Oxford PharmaGenesis Holdings Ltd.

Oxford PharmaGenesis show thatpersonal relationships are fundamental to its success, not only with its clients, but also with the medical experts with whom Itworks on adaily basis. The company has agood reputation within its industry, and its established position is the core of itstrading. To support its position, the company exhibits and presents its own original research at society congresses around theworld and it encourages employees to publish their own workin international academic journals. It wins the Queen’s Award fo rPpTek Ltd

Orchard Business ParkUnit 22 North End Road Yapton

Arundel BN18 0GA


sales Director: Mr William Cowing

Contactf or press enquiries: Bill Cowing

Tel: 07952 06***

Email: bcowing**[ta]**k.co.uk


Establishedin 2000, PpTek Ltd

manufactures ‘Siloxane’ removal solutions, asystem for cleaning gasin the BioGas industry.

The company holds aunique position as the world’s market leaderin its specialised market place, providing patented systemsFor the removal of contaminants from biogas production. The company provides systems directly to companies engagedin theextraction of gas from waste products and its approach is very much project-driven with astrategy based around directcustomer solutions. The company demonstrates strong overseas sales growth during the last three years and it wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 317%in the last three years.

RWS Group Ltd

Chiltern Park, Chiltern Hill

Chalfont St Peter

Gerrards Cross




Immediate Parent: RWS Holdings plc

Chairman: Mr Andrew Brode

Contactf or press enquiries: Chris Rayner

Tel: 01753 48***

Email: Chris.Rayner**[ta]**com


Establishedin 1982 and asubsidiary company of RWS Holdings PLC

 RWS Group Ltdprovides translations and intellectual property and language support services. The company has four specialist divisions: Intellectual Property, for the translation andfiling of patents worldwide; Information, for search and retrieval services; Medical Translation, serving the needs of the lifesciences industry; and Translation & Localisation for technical and commercial documents. Its growth has been fuelled by theincreasein filings of global patent applications. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earningsover the last six yea***

Ultrasonic Sciences Ltd

Unit 4 Springlakes Industrial Estate Deadbrook Lane


GU12 4UH


Chairman: Mr John Kennelly

Contactf or press enquiries: Chris Gartside

Tel: 01252 35***

Email: chris.gartside**[ta]**asonic-sciences.co.uk


Ultrasonic Sciences Ltd

design and manufacture ultrasonic non-destructive testing systems and instruments, usedin awide

range of manufacturing and construction sectors. The company was foundedin 1989, and is the only UK company manufacturing complete ultrasonic testing systems. Ultrasonic Sciences has seen growthin sales and exports with goodsuccess recorded. This success is backed by agood understanding of its product, technology and overall market, with amatched strategy. The company has afocused approach to the development of new markets with several being established overthe last three years. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last threeZigzag Associates Ltd

99 Park Drive

OX14 4RY


CEO: Mr Stephen Graham Smith

Contactf or press enquiries: Stephen Smith

Tel: 07799 52***

Email: steve**[ta]**ag.eu.com


Establishedin 2010, Zigzag Associates Ltd

provide quality assurance services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. It operates as independent auditors for the industry, ensuring that pharmaceutical companies are adhering to theregulators required standards and that procedures are followed. Zigzag currently undertakes audit activities globally and overthe past two years has auditedin 70 different countries. The company initially started working within the UK only, howeverreferrals led to work contracts overseas. This stream of business has been supported by an expansionin the company’s network of consultants which was followed by additional investmentsin the business infrastructure as well as an increase inmarketing. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 316%in the lastZinc Ahead Ltd

4240 Nash Court

John Smith Drive

Oxford Business Park SouthOX4 2RU


Immediate Parent: Zinc Ahead Holdings Ltd

Chief Executive Officer: Mr James Brown

Contactf or press enquiries: James Brown

Tel: 01865 39***

Email: jamesbrown**[ta]**-ahead.com


Establishedin 2001, Zinc Ahead Ltd

is the world’s leading provider of software solutions which enable life science companies to comply with the requirements of regulatory bodies governing the promotion of pharmaceutical and other healthcare products.

The company is a2013 Queen’s Award for International Trade winner and it wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade Thisyear for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 109%in the last three years. The company has reacted to changesin thelife science industry as it has becomes more global, while individual customers’ operations have become more centrally focused.

Zinc Ahead has responded by establishing local regional offices (Basel, San Francisco and Tokyo) to support existing business.in addition, an ‘inside sales’ team has been created to generate new business bothin new territories and with existingcustomers. This strategy has resultedin the company growing and penetrating into new markets.

Benchmark Woodworking Ltd

Barton Court

Kintbury Hungerford

RG17 9SA


Co-Founder and Managing Director: Mr Sean Sutcliffe

Contactf or press enquiries: Jess Tully

Tel: 07973 630***

Email: stock**[ta]**tully.com


A second Sustainable Development Award is made to Benchmark Woodworking Ltd.

afurniture-maker having long-established focus on craftsmanship, design and sustainability and an exemplary approach to transparency and accountability.in conjunctionwith Imperial College London and PE Associatesin Stuttgart, it developed the world’s first wooden furniture with full Life Cycle Assessment results. Prioritising local sourcing, to reduce material and personnel travel, and activein the Grownin Britaincampaign, it was the first furniture-maker accredited by the Forest Stewardship Council and the Programme for theEndorsement of Forest Certification. Deeply-rootedin local communities, it provides strong support to students, including thosewith disabilities, through apprenticeships, work experience and schools workshops. Widely acknowledged for environmentalcommitment, the commercially-successful company has been commissioned to participatein high-profile, environmentallyfocussed



Renishaw Plc

New Mills


GL12 8JR


Employees: 2221 Director and General Manager, Encoder Products

Division: Dr James Henshaw

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Chris Pockett

Tel: 01453 52***

Email: Chris.Pockett**[ta]**shaw.com


an innovation Award is made to Renishaw Plc for the development and manufacture of RESOLUTE, afamily of non-contact,optical position feedback devices. RESOLUTE enables astep changein the performance of motion control systems used inmanufacturing and other environments. Suitable for the most demanding applications, it can determine position to within onenanometre with motion speeds of up to 100 metres per second. Incorporating proprietary technology, its design reduces theprobability of failure while accommodating wide installation tolerances and eliminating the traditional trade-off between fineresolution and high motion speeds. RESOLUTE is able to operate over extensive temperature ranges andin ultra-high vacuumenvironments. It is employedin adiverse variety of applications including safety-critical position feedback for medical robots,the control of precision metalworking machines, the manufacture of flat panel displays and the production of semiconductors.

Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc

Charlton House

15 Cirencester Road GL53 8ER


Employees: ***

Chief Executive Officer: Mr Nick Anderson

Contactf or press enquiries: Louise Foster

Tel: 01242 535***

Email: Louise.Foster**[ta]**piraxsarco.com


an Innovation Award is made to Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc for the design and manufacture of anovel flow-meter, the TVAflow-meter.

The device measures steam mass flowsin many environments worldwide, including healthcare organisations,breweries, university campuses and petrochemical industries. Incorporating aproprietary strain gauge and mathematicalalgorithms, it can measure the high flow rates encountered such asin hospital sterilisers and low rates associated with smallleaks, without invoking velocities outside safety limits. For example, droplets of condensate that cause metal erosion and lead to expensive repairs are detected early. It informs customers of quality, CO2 content and costs of steam usage; thus energy efficiency is improved and costs and carbon dioxide emissions are reduced. The innovation is benefiting the company fromhigher sales and global market penetration.

52the ANVIL Group International Ltd

Hello House, Suite 4

135 Somerford Road Christchurch

BH23 3PY



Chief Executive Officer: Mr John Greenslade

Contactf or press enquiries: Amy Ashford

Tel: 02380 38***

Tel: 07540 20***

Email: amy.ashford**[ta]**ling.com


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