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an Innovation Award is made to The ANVIL Group International Ltd

for designing and developing an Employee Travel monitoringSystem. The innovative tool facilitates communications with employees at risk, and identifies breachesin travel risk policies.

Used by corporate clients responding to growing worldwide threats, such as terrorist attacks and political unrest, it ensurescompliance with laws and regulations concerning the safety and well-being of travelling employees. Incorporating customized information and accessing global intelligencein real-time, it can be vitalin mitigating emerging security threats to travellers by giving them immediate access to comprehensive and user-friendly support tools with high functionality. It benefits employers,who, through its compilation of incident audit trails, can easily demonstrate the implementation of effective risk managementstrategies. The commercially successful product meets an increasingly important ne***

Westwind Air Bearings, adivision of GSI Group Ltd

Holton Road Holton Heath Trading ParkPoole

BH16 6LN


Immediate Parent: GSI Group Inc

Managing Director: Mr Stephen Webb

Contactf or press enquiries: Steve Webb

Tel: 01202 62***

Email: steve.webb**[ta]**.com


Westwind Air Bearings wins an Innovation Award for designing and developing high-speed drilling spindles utilisedin printed circuit-board manufacture. Incorporating patented technology and proprietary air bearings, the new spindle has alarge workingspeedrange from 20,000 revolutions per minute, for drilling large holes, to 200,000 revolutions per minute for drilling smallholes, of approximately 0.075 millimetres diameter. To enable the high speeds without dynamic instability, heavy damping wasachieved through water-cooled bearing sleeves and specially-designed assemblies; the extraction of generated heat being one of the many challenges that were overcomein the development. The spindle improves printed circuit-board machining, givinghigher accuracy of hole placements and improved thermal performance. Higher spindle reliability, longer spindle lifetimes andeasier bearing sleeve replacement reduce machine running costs and improve customer profi***

Ashley Chase Estate Ltd

Parks Farm

Litton Cheney Dorchester




Immediate Parent: AJ & RG Barber

Company Director: Mr Mike Pullin

Contactf or press enquiries: Heloise D’Souza/Mike Pullin

Tel: 01460 23***

Tel: 07770 988***

Email: heloise**[ta]**zapr.co.uk; mike**[ta]**farm.com


Ashley Chase Estate Ltd

produce arange of speciality cheeses. The business was foundedin 1998, and began exporting in2007. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. Ashley Chase Estate has achieved excellent export growth within its sector, creating employmentin arural area and utilising local agricultural produce. The UK plant occupies afootprint of 17,000 square metres and the Farm exports close to 1,700 tonnes of cheese per year. As part of its overseas activities the company also set up amanufacturing establishmentin the USA, itslargest overseas market. Approximately 33% of output is exported, which is more than double the sector avera***

BG Automotive Ltd

BGA House

Cheney Manor Industrial Estate Swindon




Managing Director: Mr Chris Cameron

Contactf or press enquiries: Chris Cameron

Tel: 01793 49***

Email: ccameron**[ta]**tomotive.co.uk


Establishedin 1998, BG Automotive Ltd

develops and manufactures automotive parts, distributing them through wholesalersand motor factors. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas earnings growth of 269% over thelast three years, resultingin exports rising as apercentage of turnover from 8% to 24%. The company demonstrates excellentgrowthin overseas sales and awidening international reach, having entered nine new markets over the last three years includingPoland, Belarus and Moldova. Russia, Portugal and Serbia make up the largest overseas markets.

Floortex Europe Ltd

10 Miller Court

Severn Drive

Tewkesbury Business ParkGL20 8DN



Chairman & CEO: Mr Steven Bull

Contactf or press enquiries: John Barker

Tel: 01684 85***

Email: jbarker**[ta]**rtex.com


Foundedin 2002 and Head Quarteredin Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, Floortex Europe Ltd

manufacture floor protection matsthat prevent damage caused by chair castors. The company has identified its corporate responsibilities across all areas of itsactivity and works to limit its environmental impact. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseassales growth over the last three years, seeing total growth of 53%. The company is able to demonstrate how it has achieved itspresent market position through marketing efforts,in establishing regional, European and USA bases and with productdifferentiation focusing on offering ahigher quality and better performing product.


Fraser Anti-Static Techniques Ltd

1 Scotts Business ParkBampton



EX16 9DN


Marketing Manager: Mr Robert Fraser

Contactf or press enquiries: Davin Broadbent

Tel: 01398 33***

Email: dbroadbent**[ta]**er-antistatic.co.uk


Foundedin 1997 and locatedin Tiverton, Devon, Fraser Anti-static Techniques Ltd

manufacture high voltage electrostaticequipment usedin plastics, packaging, paper and related industries. The products are used to neutralise or generate staticelectricity. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuous growthin overseas earnings amounting to some320% over the last six years. The company operates against awell-structured strategy, identifying the key areas required for thecontinuation of its international growth, whilein addition the company is clearly proactivein the key areas required to sustain itsgrowth. Product innovation, research and development (for which 10% of annual sales are reinvested), rapid response, investingin skills, and improving efficiency are all noted as key areas of focus.

Hartley and Tissier Ltd

24 Knightsbridge Business CentreKnightsbridge Green

GL51 9TA


Managing Director: Mr Andrew Suddards Hartley

Contactf or press enquiries: Emma Walton

Tel: 01451 821800/ 07515 35***

Email: emma**[ta]**rheadedcomms.com


Hartley and Tissier Ltd

began tradingin 2007. It designs, manufactures and supplies bespoke wool carpetf or hotels,restaurants and private homes. All of the manufacturing is carried outin the UK with the company using arange of small scalespecialist manufacturers to meet its designs and quality specifications. The company’s design work takes place at its ParisShowroom under the guidance of Stephanie Tissier. Overseas sales strategies vary depending on each market:in France thecompany now owns its French distribution company.in Switzerland, it operates via an exclusive agent; whilein Holland andBelgium it operates via several agents, seeking suitable agents or distribution companiesin other markets. The company website development is proving auseful route to market. asmall, niche company, doing wellin amature market selling onquality and bespoke design. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over theKiddimoto Ltd

Unit 16-18, Lodge Hill Industrial Estate Westbury-sub-Mendip Wells



Managing Director: Mr Simon Booth

Contactf or press enquiries: Chloe Fuller

Tel: 020 3627 ***

Email: chloe**[ta]**cendopr.co.uk


Kiddimoto Ltd

began tradingin 2004 and is asmall independent company that designs, develops and manufactures balance bikes, cycle helmets, gloves and carts for children aged 2-12 years. It has been exporting for six years and over the last threeyears has seen its overseas sales rise from £533k to £988kin 2013. Exports now represent around 50% of total sales. It winsthe Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. The company sells inthe domestic market directly to retailers and with international sales via distributors who are supported from the UKheadquarters. The company operatein 30 countries worldwide, with France the biggest overseas marketin 2013. agoodexample of asmall, relatively new exporting company, which is growing at avery good, solid rate.

Kinneir Dufort Design Ltd

5 Host StreetBS1 5BU


Immediate Parent: Kinneir Dufort Ltd

Managing Director: Mr James Orkney

Contactf or press enquiries: Sean Devane

Tel: 0117 901 ***

Email: Sean.Devane**[ta]**eirdufort.com


Establishedin 1977, Kinneir Dufort Design Ltd

provide integrated research, innovation, design and product developmentconsultancy services to UK and International clients. The company has aclear strategy and demonstrate strong leadership,reacting positively to achanging domestic market and driving forward overseas sales. This has strengthened its overallperformance, leading to significant overall growth for the period. Kinneir Dufort wins the Queen’s Award for International TradeFor outstanding overseas earnings growth of 176% over the last three years, resultingin exports rising as apercentage of turnover from 18% to 62%.

Pulse Roll Label Products Ltd

Unit U, Lawrence Drive


Managing Director: Mr Gary Seward

Contactf or press enquiries: Sarah Harriman

Tel: 01454 27***

Email: sarah**[ta]**erl.com


Establishedin 2001, Pulse Roll Label Products Ltd

manufacture ultra violet inks and varnishes for the narrow web label industry.it wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. The company demonstrates good strategy and amethodical approach to researching international markets and it appreciates that exportmarkets are vital to the company’s growth, due to the maturity of the UK market. It has astrong commitment to marketresearch, and continues to attract new customers and interact with existing customers through good PR, email marketingcampaigns and attendance/exhibiting at international trade fairs and even***

Radiodetection Ltd

Western Drive

BS14 0AF



Immediate Parent: SPX Corp

Managing Director: Mr Kevin Lench

Contactf or press enquiries: Tony Rush

Tel: 0117 988 ***

Email: tony.rush**[ta]**com


Establishedin 1977, Radiodetection Ltd

designs and manufactures products to locate buried utilities and to assist themanagement of underground infrastructure. This specialist company’s overseas sales show growth for the last three years, andthe company has established its own officesin North America, China, Hong Kong, Australia and Europe. This correlates well withthe regions where the company achieves most of its overseas sales. Most of the company’s manufacturing isin the UK, with alimited amount, for specific product lines, done through its USA parent company (SPX).

It wins the Queen’s Award fo rSub10 Systems Ltd

Ash House Canal Way Kingsteignton

Newton Abbot

TQ12 3RZ


Chief Executive Officer: Mr Stuart Broome

Contactf or press enquiries: Grant Grafton

Tel: 07887 76***

Email: grant.grafton**[ta]**0systems.com


Sub10 Systems Ltd

incorporatedin May 2010 provide advanced systems for the delivery of broadband using millimetre wave(mmW) wireless frequencies. This highly technical product is sold through distributors or directly to major integrators andcustomers with global reach, e.g. Vodaphone. The company describes ahigh reliance on innovation, quality and research that Itlinks directly to its further growth and development. Sub10 also works with regulatorsin foreign marketsin order to developlicences to enable its product to gain air space.in 2014 the biggest overseas market was Russia, followed by Germany andAustria, but the company’s reach has seen sales from Bahrain to the USA and Canada. It wins the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 290%in the last three years.

Terrapart International Ltd

Blacksmith’s Yard

Broad Hinton



Managing Director: Mr Chris Drewett

Contactf or press enquiries: Mrs Fiona Drewett, Director

Tel: 01793 73***

Email: Fiona**[ta]**apart.com


Terrapart International Ltdhas been trading for 25 years and is adistributor of spare parts for heavy earthmoving equipment. Itexports globally, but its particular focus at present is on USA, Western Europe, and Southern Europe with the USA being the topoverseas marketin 2014, followed by Spain and Portugal. Its export marketing has achieved penetration into 98 countries. afocused strategy, led by the Directors, is based on maintaining high- level, long-term relationships with both suppliers andcustomersin order to sustain and grow its business. Transport, distribution, stock control and product knowledge is key to itssuccess. The company has invested heavilyin product andin more efficient routes to market that have produced good growthrates. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.

57the Tintometer Ltd

Lovibond House

Solar Way Amesbury Salisbury SP4 7SZ



Immediate Parent: Tintometer GmbH

Managing Director: Mr Christopher Counsell

Contactf or press enquiries: Elizabeth Wilkinson

Tel: 01980 66***

Email: e.wilkinson**[ta]**ometer.com


The Tintometer Ltd.

amember of the Timtometer® Group, was establishedin 1885 and is amanufacturer and supplier of theLovibond® brand of colour measuring instruments and water testing equipment and reagents. The company markets itsproducts primarily under its Lovibond® brand, but also sells OEM-branded equipment. It has two distinct market areas with62% of its businessin water analysis sales and 38%in colour measurement instruments. The company began to exploreopportunitiesin emerging marketsin anticipation of the recessionin 2009, notingin particular an international high demandFor the colour measurement of petroleum and edible oil products. The company focused on atailored approach to the exportmarket, with improved competitiveness, reach and local service, working with government bodies and other influencers to educate the market and promote the brand. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 160% over the last six years.

3 Brabazon Office ParkGolf Course Lane

Filton BS34 7PZ


CEO: Mr Peter Marchbank

Contactf or press enquiries: Sara Martin

Tel: 0333 443000 ext***

Email: Sara.martin**[ta]**d.com


Foundedin 1995 and locatedin Filton, Bristol, Third Dimension Software Ltd

is amanufacturer of metrology products andservices for non-contact laser, precision profile measurement solutions. The company’s GapGun product uses opticaltriangulation technology to measure gaps, forms and features of surfaces incredibly quickly and accurately. Applications rangefrom seal gap checks to sharp edge measurement on all manner of surfaces and is used extensively by the aerospace,automotive, turbine and energy industries. Its international and domestic marketing and sales strategies are well defined andnew overseas countries are chosen through market research. The company exhibit and attend shows all around Europe and inthe past two years it has attended showsin Germany, Holland, France and Sweden, as well as further afieldin Brazil, China andthe US. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 337% over the last six yea***

Vistair Systems Ltd

Broadway House


Bradley Stoke

BS32 4QH



Managing Director: Mr Ian Herbert

Contactf or press enquiries: Ian Herbert

Tel: 07813 93***

Email: ian.herbert**[ta]**air.com


Foundedin 2005, Vistair Systems Ltd

is adeveloper of web-based management software to the global airline industry. Itprovides outsourced electronic solutions to commercial airlines, helping them become more streamlined and effectivein their‘management of highly pressurised and often stress-inducing flight operations’. The company has awell balanced mix of domestic and overseas clients and has improved export activity. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo routstanding growthin its export earnings of 221%in the last three years. As well as striving for technical excellencein ahighly specialised area, the company has putin customer service systems to position it to become the “outsourcer” of choice fo rairlines, large or small. Export performance has strengthened considerably over the period with exports now accounting for 55% of sales across 28 countries.

Clinton Devon Estates

Bicton Arena

East Budleigh

Budleigh Salterton



Estates Director: Mr John Varley

Contactf or press enquiries: Annette Richman

Tel: 01392 46***

Tel: 07919 17***

Email: annette.richman**[ta]**ommunications.co.uk


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