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A third Sustainable Development Award is made to Clinton Devon Estates for implementing its Smart Growth programme,which, between 2010 and 2014, delivered benefits worth over £50 million to the Estate and local communities. throughcommitment to efficient farming and empowering employees, it reduced carbon and waste generation, lowered potable waterconsumption, enhanced biodiversity and generated over £2 million for charitable causes. It installed slurry-storage facilitiesenabling efficient manure spreading; reducing fertiliser requirements and water pollution and improving land fertility. othermeasures included optimising wood harvesting, re-using low-grade wood for biomass heating and processing culled venison fo rmarket sales.in five years, 100,000 kilowatt hours of renewable electricity were produced, 8,000 tonnes of biomass an***

million litres of natural water supplied; saving over 4,500 tonnes of carbon emissions.

Mr Richard Holt

Creative Innovation CentreMemorial Hall

Paul StreetTA1 3PF


Contactf or press enquiries: Andrew Knutt

Tel: 01823 33***

Tel: 07739 63***

Email: andy**[ta]**tiveinnovationcentre.co.uk


Richard Holt has had asignificant and growing impactin the South Westin linking enterprise promotion and design, with anemphasis on the creative industries. As the Manager of Art, Design and Enterprise at Somerset College of Arts and Technology,he identified an enterprise support gap.in response he opened the Creative Innovation Centre (CIC)in June 2012. Located inTaunton, the CIC is anon-profit community interest company offering aunique blend of creative community access andbusiness enterprise training, and now supports over 130 artists, 45 designers and 95 musicians, and exhibits over***

paintings and sculptures.in just over two years this creative space has been used by 6,000 community members and enabledover 1,000 start-ups, SMEs and other businesses to take partin arange of enterprise-based training and workshop activities.


Airborne Systems Ltd



Mid Glamorgan

CF32 8PL



Immediate Parent: Transdigm Group Inc

President & Managing Director: Mr Christopher Rowe

Contactf or press enquiries: Jessica Cook

Tel: 01656 72***

Email: jessica.cook**[ta]**orne-sys.co.uk


Acquired during the application period by the US Transdigm Group, the roots of the company go back more than 90 years.

Airborne Systems Ltd

designs and manufactures military parachutes, aerial delivery systems, and naval decoys. It wins theQueen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. The company is aworld leaderin two distinct fields: parachutes; and airborne and floating naval decoy systems. All of the design activities remain UKbased and most of the company’s manufacturing is also undertakenin the UK with some manufacture of certain parachuteproducts undertaken overseas to service price sensitive markets.

Unit 11, Technium 1

Contactf or press enquiries: Corinne Fresko

Tel: 02081 44***

Email: corinne.fresko**[ta]**shore.com


A 2014 Queen’s Award for International Trade winner, Lumishore Ltd

began tradingin 2009 and produce high output, innovativeunderwater LED lighting systems for the leisure marine industry. The company presents acoherent, well researched strategy and it uses acombination of distribution and direct sales to its markets, addressing the needs of distinct geographies and subsectors(shipyards, boat builders, dealers and consumers). The company innovates and investsin R&D, as well as taking part inmany exhibitions and shows, producing literature and web collateral to support its new product releases. The USA is the biggestexport marketin terms of sales at 50%, with Holland the next biggest at 20%. It wins the Queen’s Award for internationalMarkes International Ltd

Talbot Green


CF72 8XL



Immediate Parent: Schauenburg Analytics Ltd

Managing Director: Mr Alun Cole

Contactf or press enquiries: Tim Hawkins

Tel: 01443 23***

Email: thawkins**[ta]**es.com


Markes International Ltd

began tradingin 1997 and manufactures scientific equipmentf or extraction and detection of ultra-lowlevels of organic chemicals from gases, liquids and solids. It sells to aglobal customer base that includes major industry,government agencies, academia and the service laboratory sector. Markes is part of Schauenburg Group (a multinational group of companies with expertise ranging from satellite to analytical technologies.) The company sells direct to its UK marketplaceand through regional officesin Germany and the USA, along with distribution partners and representatives around the wor***

The company’s strategy is based on ‘thought-leadership’ which is implemented through product development and innovation,along with working with key industry influencers and advising international agencies developing standard test methods. It wins

Wales Millennium CentreBute Place

CF10 5AL


President & Managing Director: Mr Mathew Milsom

Contactf or press enquiries: Bet Davies

Tel: 02920 63 ***

Email: bet.davies**[ta]**org.uk


ASustainable Development Award is made to Wales Millennium Centre, anational asset committed to strong cultural andsustainable leadership. It promotes Welsh identity and benefits the economy and population of Wales. Comprising two theatres,recital hall and dance house and attracting over 1.5 million visitors annually, it delivers arange of education and outreachprogrammes to all sectors of the community.in 2013/14, it attracted over 32,000 participants to its creative learningprogramme and provided 385 free foyer performances. It provides free meeting and performance spaces to community groups,operates education programmes and supports artists and theatre groupsin developing new works. Also, it targets activities at minority communities, for example master-classes to improve children’s literacy, prison art exhibitions and events involvingyoung offendersin environmental projects.


Professor Andrew Penaluna

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurial

Mount Pleasant



Contactf or press enquiries: Steven Stokes

Tel: 07872 42***

Email: steven.stokes**[ta]**d.ac.uk


Andrew Penaluna is the Professor of Creative Entrepreneurship at University of Wales Trinity Saint David, where he has taughtenterprise and entrepreneurship for over 30 years. He is acknowledged to have carried out his role of teaching, mentoring andguidance of students, at an individual level very effectively, and has helped to achieve one of the best recordsin graduate startups of any Higher Education Institutionin Wales. Since 2008 he has also carried out anumber of voluntary activities to helpinfluence and develop national and international policy and practicein enterprise and entrepreneurial education. This hasincluded contributing to the UK’s first formally validated Higher Education teacher trainingin enterprise education, aqualification that can be taken by teachers at any level and is the first of its kindin Europe.


GeoPost UK Ltd

Roebuck Lane


B66 1BY


Employees: ***

Immediate Parent: GeoPost SA

CEO: Mr Dwain McDonald

Contactf or press enquiries: Gordon Maw

Tel: 07710 70***

Email: gordon**[ta]**omms.co.uk


GeoPost UK Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing the ‘Predict’ service, which provides internet shoppers withdependable, one-hour windowsin which door-step deliveries are made. The trail-blazing service, which incorporates routeoptimisation software, is interactive and live; parcel addressees being able to re-arrange delivery addresses, times and dates to suit their convenience through text or e-mail messages. Having high success rates at hitting agreed target times, the innovativeservice has improved customer satisfaction significantly. Consequently, the company has become the preferred choice carrier fo rretailers whose success depends on satisfied customers making repeat purchases.in addition, drivers have become moreproductive, despite increased road congestion, and, thus, enjoy increased wages. Through implementing the service, thecompany has become the number one UK domestic parcels deliver***

Grey Technology Ltd(Gtech)

1-2 Cupola Court

Spetchley WR5 1RL


CEO and

Founder: Mr Nick Grey

Contactf or press enquiries: Mrs Michelle Redmond

Tel: 07734 68***

Tel: 020 8288 ***

Email: michelle**[ta]**pr.com


an Innovation Award is made to Grey Technology Ltd(Gtech) for developing anew type of cordless powered vacuum cleaner.

Dispensing with the cord, bag and cyclone technology of more traditional designs, Gtech AirRam uses only 100W of energy yetmatches the cleaning performance of leading mains vacuums on carpets and hard floors. The novel design combined with thelatest Li-ion battery technology gives arun time of 40 minutes making it capable of cleaning even the busiest of homes on asingle charge. AirRam doesn’t collect dust and debris into abag or cylinder; instead its unique technology compresses the dirtinto bales that are tipped into the bin. Lightweight at only 3.5kg it is easy to manoeuvre compared to other upright vacuums.

AirRam’s high performance, convenient, cordless cleaning offers consumers areal alternative to mains powered vacuumcleaners, making it commercially very successful.

Prometheus Medical Ltd

The Old Rectory Hope-under-Dinmore





Chief Executive Officer: Dr Malcolm Russell MBE

Contactf or press enquiries: David Preece

Tel: 01568 61***

Email: david.preece**[ta]**etheusmed.com


an Innovation Award is made to Prometheus Medical Ltd

for the design and development of the Russell Chest Seal, adisposable

device that enables patients to breath after receiving severe chest injuries. Serious chest injuries often involve ahole being madein the chest wall which can cause lung collapse and affect the patient’s ability to breathe. The patented seal incorporates valvesand aproprietary gel, which conforms closely to chest shapes around wounds and sticks effectively to skin, even if covered inblood. The valves, which can operate at low pressures, eliminate gases and liquids from the pleural cavity more effectively thanalternative products. Being tolerant of awide range of storage conditions, the life-saving device has been adopted by UK

ambulance trusts and deployed by emergency and military services at home and abroad.

Proserve Ltd

80 Priory Road Kenilworth



Director: Mr Martin Hawkswood

Contactf or press enquiries: James Hawkswood

Tel: 01926 51***

Email: hawkswood**[ta]**erveltd.co.uk


an Innovation Award is made to Proserve Ltd

for designing an automated system for remotely filling ‘grout’ bags with cem***

grout. Forming foundations between underwater structures and the sea-bed, the bags prevent grout from being washed away.

They stabilise, for example, supports for pipes laid on the sea-bed and revetment protective structures. Robust bags, anovel

method of attaching them to structures before placement and amechanism for their complete filling from the surface weredeveloped; the shape and linkage of the bag folds being important features. The system reduces the thoroughness of sea-bed

preparation required prior to construction, thus reducing costs whilst increasing foundation stability and lifetimes. It has beendeployed on many of the world’s largest construction projects, some of which could not have been completed without it.

Thermserve Ltd

Halesfield 2



Managing Director: Mr Steven Hodgkiss

Contactf or press enquiries: Steven Hodgkiss

Tel: 01952 68***

Email: steve**[ta]**mserve.com


Thermserve Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing arange of advanced temperature control facilities. They are deployedin ovens, which pre-heat dies usedin aluminium extrusion processing. Uniquely, they incorporate infra-red die surface-sensingtechnology and proprietary predictive algorithms to assess die temperaturesin real-time. The development involvedmathematical modelling, empirical modelling and the use of MathCad software. The system improves oven efficiency and,through its high accuracy, reduces scrap extrusion levels. Traditionally, apress extruded up to five billets before ahomogeneoustemperature was achieved; the ‘warm-up’ billets being scrap. Precise control of die temperatures improves die-life and productconsistency during extrusion. The system saves customers more than an estimated two thousand pounds per press per monthand reduces heating costs by up to 20 per cent.


Coventry University Priory StreetCV1 5FB


Employees: ***

Vice-Chancellor: Mr John Latham

Contactf or press enquiries: Jo Lumani

Tel: 02477 65***

Email: jo.lumani**[ta]**ntry.ac.uk


Coventry University was establishedin 1992 and provides teaching, learning and applied researchin higher education. TheUniversity was ranked within the top 4% of universitiesin the worldin the 2013/14 QS World University Rankings. It is able to show aclear relationship between its international strategy and results achieved, which has been maintained and improved overthe last six years. Export sales have grown each year and the increasesin student applications from overseas, andin particular China, has been impressive. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 184% over thelast six years.

LA International Computer Consultants Ltd

Festival Way ST1 5UB


Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: Mr Paul Lukic

Contactf or press enquiries: David Barnes

Tel: 01782 20***

Email: dbarnes**[ta]**ternational.com


Establishedin 1982, LA International Computer Consultants Ltd

provide recruitment services, specialisingin IT and Project/Programme Management. The company has demonstrated positive and sustained growth over the period and has established itselfin aspecific sector of the recruitment market, which has proven to be commercially successful. awell researched strategy and effective implementation has enabled the company to expand its overseas customer base considerably. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 149% over the last six years.

NutraHealth Plc

180 Lifford Lane

Kings Norton

B30 3NU



Immediate Parent: Elder International FZCO

Chief Executive Officer: Mr James McEuen

Contactf or press enquiries: James McEuen

Tel: 07738 32***

Email: j.mceuen**[ta]**ahealth.co.uk


Nutra Health Plc

is aUK manufacturer and distributor of vitamins, minerals, and food supplements. The NutraHealth Groupoperates two divisions, contract manufacturing and branded healthcare products. The company’s international marketingpriorities are the EU, the BRIC countries, and the CIVETS countries (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and SouthAfrica). It adopts amultichannel approach across its two divisions that include contract manufacturing, direct distribution,distribution to retail, and online business to consumer sales. The company shows aclear strategy across its two divisions andclose correlation between its strategies and the commercial successes it has achieved. It wins the Queen’s Award fo rT aSavery & Company Ltd

Longford Road Exhall




Chairman: Mr Sul Sahota

Contactf or press enquiries: Dr Denise Taylor

Tel: 024 7652 ***

Email: denise**[ta]**gepr.co.uk


Establishedin 1933, T aSavery & Company Ltd

manufacture hydraulic products and simulation software for both domestic andoverseas markets. The company has two principle products of impact energy absorption and hydraulic systems, sold under theOleo International and Savery Hydraulics brands. Oleo impact energy absorption products are principally hydraulic buffers, while Savery specialist hydraulic solutions include closed loop test systems and power packs for marine and aerospace. mostmanufacturing is donein Coventry but some manufacturing is undertakenin China, where lower speed and lower cost elevatorbuffers are producedin order to compete effectivelyin the local market. The company has office and distribution facilities inChina, Germany, the USA, and more recently India. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseassales growth over the last three years.

Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

Abbey Road Whitley CV3 4LF


Employees: 2***

Immediate Parent: Jaguar Land Rover Automotive plc

CEO: Dr Ralf Speth

Contactf or press enquiries: Chris Parsons

Tel: 07730 92***

Email: cparso15**[ta]**arlandrover.com


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