国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Establishedin 1970, Structure-flex Ltd

is asubsidiary of Resolute Corporate Holdings. It manufactures high frequency weldedbig bags, lorry curtains, crane test bags and liquid tanks. afirst time winner of this Award, the company has increased itsoverseas sales by 277% over the last three years. It has focused on maximising sales to Saudi Arabia from where it derives70% of its export sales, with the remainder divided between North America and Europe. The company’s product focus is onquality and differentiation, making products that are difficultf or their competitors to copy, such as their 50 and 100 tonne cranetest bags. Rental agreement models have been establishedin Canada and Dubai, and the company hopes to replicate Thismodelin the US market.

Symon Dacon Limited

Unit 1 Enterprise Way Hemel Hempstead Industrial Estate HP2 7YJ


Immediate Parent: Symon Communications Ltd

Finance Director: Mrs Julie Richings

Contactf or press enquiries: Carol Harraway

Tel: 01442 23***

Email: charraway**[ta]**ndacon.com


Establishedin 1990 and basedin Hemel Hempstead, Symon Dacon Limited

sells and services intelligent Visual Communication Solutions. The company has been successfulin targeting markets using resellers who are particularly knowledgeablein themarket. The company has placed apremium on addressing cultural issues, ensuring staff associated with each region are fluentin the relevant language and have an understanding and appreciation of the particular culture. It has expanded its marketbeyond Contact Centres to serve the visual communication requirements of other key industries, including Retail and globalEmployee Communications Hospitality. Its main export markets are the UAE and mainland Europe and new markets include Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the APAC region. The company has opened an officein the UAE, supporting current and future busine***

Overseas sales growth was 149% over three years with exports accounting for 38% of total sales.

The Cambridge Satchel Company Ltd

Lower Court

Copley Hill Farm Business ParkCambridge Road Babraham

CB22 3GN


Founder and Managing Director: Mrs Julie Deane

Contactf or press enquiries: Jessica Goody

Tel: 01223 83***

Email: jess**[ta]**ridgesatchel.com


The Cambridge Satchel Company Ltd

started tradingin December 2008 from akitchen table, manufacturing and sellingtraditional leather satchels direct to customers and top stores globally. aphenomenal success story, the company remains privately owned and independent and is afirst time Queen’s Award winner. From an initial approach to market via fashionbloggers and linking to New York Fashion week, where retail chains picked up the product, the company now exports to 110 countries worldwide generating £5m export sales per annum, of which sales to the USA now account now for 28%. Routes to market centre on big commercial partners such as Saks, Bloomingdale and LG who distribute the bagsin South Kor***

FFEI Limited

Graphics House

Boundary Way HP2 7SU



Immediate Parent: FFEI Holdings Limited

Managing Director: Mr Andy Cook

Contactf or press enquiries: Miguel Afonso

Tel: 01737 21***

Email: miguel**[ta]**oke.co.uk


an Innovation Award is made to FFEI Limited

for developing and manufacturing an automated image scanner, SCN400, fo rpathology applications. Aimed at facilitating the adoption of digital imaging for clinical diagnoses, including cancer detection,the new system rapidly produces high quality images that can be available to pathologists located remotely from samplinglaboratories. It incorporates patented technology providing high colour fidelity and the capability to focus accurately at varyingsample depths. Consequently the scanner, having satisfied stringent regulatory requirements, aids early detection and treatment of diseases, reduces needs for surgical procedures and contributes to improved patient outcomes. The innovation has beenhighly successful, both clinically and commercial***

Marshall Specialist Vehicles



Immediate Parent: Marshall of Cambridge (Holdings) Ltd

Managing Director: Mr Ray Cutting OBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Oliver Drury

Tel: 07771 94***


Marshall Specialist Vehicles wins an Innovation Award for developing two pieces of equipment capable of deploymentin hostileenvironments such as war zones, accident scenes and desolate regions. They are the world’s first re-deployable computedtomography (CT) scanner and aDNA laboratory. Incorporating patented technology to manage shock and vibration duringtransportation and environmental controls, both are extremely robust and can withstand wide variations of temperature andpressure. The scanner fits asingle container and has uninterrupted power supply, essential for preserving vital patient data.it can be made operational within two hours and leads to improved survival rates. The laboratory enables sampling, analysingand profiling to be undertaken within minutes of arrival. Thus, forensic information becomes quickly available at incident

scenes, improving the quality and speed of investigations.

USystems Limited

Unit 5 Green End

Gamlingay SG19 4LF


Managing Director: Mr Michael Cook

Contactf or press enquiries: Zillah Loewe

Tel: 01767 65***

Email: zillah**[ta]**tems.co.uk


USystems Limited

wins an Innovation Award for developing and manufacturing ColdLogik CL20 rear coolers. Fitted as doors onthe backs of data cabinets, they are self-contained, water-cooled systems which have revolutionised the temperature control of computer and data centres. Rather than cooling entire computer rooms by producing cold air from air-conditioning units andforcing it into the front of cabinets, hot air generated by active IT equipment inside cabinets is drawn directly across watercooledheat exchangersin the new devices. Aided by proprietary software, heat is removed at source. Compared with traditionalsystems the new equipment, which can be retro-fittedin established centres, gives significant reductionsin costs and ‘carbonfootprints’ associated with building and operating centres. Through this innovation the company has gained success ininternational markets.

Benoy Limited

Handley House

7 North Gate


NG24 1EH



Chairman: Mr Graham Cartledge CBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Valerie Jenkins

Tel: 0207 404***

Email: valerie.jenkins**[ta]**y.com


Benoy is an award-winning firm of architects, masterplanners, interior and graphic designers with officesin the UK, Middle Eastand Asia. International sales have risen by 68% over the last three years and Benoy currently worksin around 55 countries andhas 626 projects on the drawing board, and on site, with plans for expansion of both the Chinese and Asian markets. Thecompany has been successful through its ability to maintain adistinctive, consistent “Benoy Style” while ensuring that Itoperatesin avery flexible way to adjust to different markets. Strong brand building and marketing has also helped expansioninto new marketsin addition to buying into the promotion of aBritish brand.

Managing Director: Mr Edward de Salis YoungContactf or press enquiries: Nick Daines

Tel: 07958 53***

Email: nick**[ta]**npr.com


Establishedin 2006, CommAgility is basedin Loughborough and designs, manufactures and sells complex electronic productsFor next generation wireless telecoms, focusing on 4G wireless telecoms. CommAgility’s success is heavily technology led, basedon maintaining expertise and continual investmentin R&D. Its markets are well researched and small, initial projects are set ***

Customers are then identified and encouraged to get involved as key partnersin development projects. This approach hasresultedin several new export marketsin the last three years, including Israel, Korea, Germany, France and Italy, which already contribute 17% of overall sales. Sales are driven by good distributor and sub-contractor relationships. Heavy investment inoverseas marketing activities has resultedin overseas sales growth of 51% over the last three yearsforthisyoung company.

3 Burlington Gardens



Managing Director: Mr Andrew Sealey

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Andrew Sealey

Tel: 0207 439***

Email: reception**[ta]**ell-lutyens.com


Acurrent holder of aQueen’s Awardin International Trade, Campbell Lutyens Holdings Ltd(trading globally as Campbell Luytens) is an independent advisory firm exclusively focused on primary and secondary transactionsin the global private equity and infrastructure markets. The company is arecognised leaderin its area and is proactivein the development of the privateequity market. The company has continued to growin volatile market conditions and has developed its infrastructure business inthe United States, penetrating the Energy sector. European and US sales have dominated the company’s international portfoliobut new business has been secured from the opening of an officein Hong Kong, with clients identifiedin China and Indonesia.

Exports accountf or 71% of sales and overseas sales growth was 72% over the three year period.

CFC Underwriting Limited

85 Gracechurch StreetEC3V 0AA


Managing Director: Mr David Walsh

Contactf or press enquiries: Lesley Bennett

Tel: 07815 77***

Email: lesley**[ta]**lightcomms.co.uk


A 12 year old underwriting firm basedin London, CFC Underwriting Limited

develops specialist commercial insurance products/policies for the SME market. One of the first ever cyber liability insurers, CFC targets small, niche sectors and aggregates themglobally to create asubstantial market. This means squeezing low premiums, adapting services to each niche market and beingas innovative as possible, enabling them to create markets where other companies avoid competing. As aresult, exports havegrown by 307% over the last six years and CFC now sells innovative commercial insurance productsin 58 countries worldwide

via an extensive network of insurance brokers.

Ealing Hammersmith West London College

Gliddon Road W14 9BL


Director of International and HE Development:Miss Catherine Vines

Contactf or press enquiries: Catherine Vines

Tel: 0207 565***

Email: catherine.vines**[ta]**ac.uk


Ealing Hammersmith West London College was foundedin 1891 and focuses on providing training programmes to equipstudents with employability skills to secure workin the global economy. Over the last six years overseas earnings have grown by 137%. The College has attained “Highly Trusted Status” with UKBA, meaning it can recruit overseas students more effectively and target students of institutions who do not have this status. Students aged 15 to 57 from 112 countries and five continentsare enrolled on courses at the College. Growth has been underpinned by effective marketing and recruitment and monitoring of students’ attendance, performance and achievement.

EIP Partnership LLP

Fairfax Ho***

15 Fulwood Place



Partner: Mr Jerome Spaargaren

Contactf or press enquiries: Martin Bruce

Tel: 0207 440***

Tel: 07790 77***

Email: mbruce**[ta]**com


Establishedin 2000, EIP Partnership LLP provides intellectual property (IP) services for patent, trademark and designregistration, prosecution and IP litigation. afirst time Queen’s Award winner, the company has increased its overseas sales by 136% over the last three years. The company has atwofold strategy for international trade - to seek direct foreign customersand to obtain work via overseas Associate companies. It has broadened the number of target industry sectors to which it offersits IP services from an initial focus on the electronics and digital sectors. Attention has been given to winning business both inthe USA and Japan, which together now accountf or 81% of overseas sales, consolidatedin the USA by regularly visiting key clients, and,in Japan, by employing fluent Japanese speake***


7 Union Buildings

Wallingford Road Uxbridge



Managing Director: Mr David Power

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr David Power

Tel: 01895 46***

Email: david**[ta]**rflex.co.uk


First time Queen’s Award winner EPTG Ltd

was startedin 1997 and designs, develops and manufactures arange of highperformance polyurethane automotive suspension components. EPTG operates aclient-centric approach underpinned witheffective infrastructure. The company strategy is to constantly develop new productsin consultation with its customer base andprovide efficient service across the globe. By working closely with local partners the company is able to focus productdevelopmentin niche areas to satisfy specific local market demand. EPTG currently trades its POWERFLEX brand with partnersin 90 countries, securing it as atruly international brand with ahealthy and growing distribution model. New distributors havebeen establishedin Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland and USAin the last three years.

Fever-Tree Ltd

Suite 2.25the Plaza

535 Kings Road SW10 0SZ


Co-Founder: Mr Tim Warrillow

Contactf or press enquiries: Anita Kinniburgh

Tel: 0207 349***

Email: anita**[ta]**r-tree.com


Establishedin 2004 ‘to create the perfect Gin & Tonic’, Fever-Tree Ltd

now market aportfolio of premium, natural mixer drinksin the UK and internationally. Fever-Tree sells to 35 overseas markets, however, international growth has been centred on the USand Spain to date. Growthin Spain has been based on increasing the popularity of Gin & Tonic and the establishment of astrong distribution network, with akeen focus on brand positioning and seeding the brandin prestige accounts. Committed to its approach, Fever-Tree innovates internally and empowers smaller entrepreneurial outfits to create adistribution network whichis very local and very flexible. Fever-Tree has also established the premium mixer categoryin some countries and as such hasbenefited from the first mover advantage.

FIRST Magazine Limited

Finland House

56 Haymarket



Chairman and

Founder: Mr Rupert Goodman

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Rupert Goodman

Tel: 0207 389***

Email: rupert.goodman**[ta]**tmagazine.com


Establishedin 1984 and basedin London, FIRST Magazine Limited

publishes specialist periodicals and reports on countries,international organisations and conferences. This activity is supported by aseries of events and business meetings held at thehighest level of industry, finance and government. aholder of a2010 Queen’s Awardin International Trade, FIRST magazine hascontinued to strengthen its overseas performance, with sales rising significantly. Extensive investmentin research, underpinnedby market visits, has enabled the company to establish apresencein 60 markets on three continents and new markets include

Malta and Sri Lanka. Staff are trainedin export practices and languages including Arabic, Russian and Ukrainian. Thecompany’s exports as apercentage of total sales are high, averaging around 90%, and overseas sales growth was 217% fo rthe three year period.

Galmarley Ltd t/a BullionVault

12th Floor

Landmark House


W6 9DP


Director: Mr Paul Tustain

Contactf or press enquiries: Adrian Ash

Tel: 0208 600***

Email: adrian.ash**[ta]**ionvault.com


Galmarley Ltd.

formedin 2003 and trading as BullionVault, provides an online service for individual investors to buy and sellgold and silver. This first time Queen’s Award winnerin International Trade has grown its exports by 140% over the last threeyears. As aholder of aQueen’s Awardin Innovation, the company is still demonstrating levels of innovation affecting not justits sector but also that of banking. The company has invested heavilyin web-based technology and multilingual staff to promote and manage 24/7 tradingin precious metals. BullionVault operates asophisticated approach to online marketingat both adomestic and international level which, supported by ahigh degree of market analysis, has now attracted usersin over 150 countries.

Gapuma (UK) Limited

Cumberland House

80 Scrubs Lane

NW10 6RF


Immediate Parent: Gapuma Group Limited

Managing Director: Mr Jack Bardakjian

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Jack Bardakjian

Tel: 0208 969***

Email: jack**[ta]**ma.com


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