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Establishedin 1999 Gapuma (UK) Limited

basedin London, trades commodities such as polymers, chemicals, ferrous metalsand fertilisers. It also provides the warehousing and logistical chain to store and transport them. The company tradesin hard-toaccessinternational markets. It works hard on building its network which is crucial to the product development of serviceswhich can lower the risks associated with these markets. It similarly builds different models for doing business, emphasising thelengths that it will go to create aservice. It has invested heavilyin offices to create aphysical presence which, along with back-tobac ktrades, creates reliability of its products to its customers. The company has seen its overseas sales grow by 159% over theHighclere International Investors LLP

2 Manchester Square



Chief Executive: Mr Edward Makin

Contactf or press enquiries: Fergus Gilmour

Tel: 0207 258***

Email: fgilmour**[ta]**clereinvestors.com


Highclere International Investors LLP

is aUK-based investment manager specializingin international small and mid capinvesting. The company was formedin 2006 to focus on the notf or profit endowment and foundation client basein the US.

Highclere has successfully negotiated the US market by gaining the support of the US consultants who advise the institutionalinvestor base and by demonstrating consistent success. Highclere is regularly rankedin the top quartile of US investmentadvisers. It operates asimple business model offering two funds for US clients and one fund for Australian investors. Overseassales accountf or just under 100% of total sales. asimple, resilient and scalable model combined with good fund performancehas enabled Highclere to significantly grow its funds under management.

Imparta Ltd

14-16 Peterborough Road SW6 3BN


Founder and CEO: Mr Richard Barkey

Contactf or press enquiries: Jo English

Tel: 0787 250***

Email: jo.english**[ta]**rta.com


Establishedin 1997 London-based Imparta Ltdprovides sales, marketing and service training and consultancy services.

The company has made significant progress through combining afull suite of world-class content with aproven Capability Building® System, which can underpin asingle training event through to aglobal Academy. The company has built anetwork of international partners and local associates to expand its international footprint. The company sells directly to UK and globalmultinationals, as well as working with international partners, to deliver their products under licence. Through this approach,it is able to maintain global reach and quality. The company has maintained its expansion, establishing regional offices inMelbourne, Australia to serve APAC clientsin Austin, Texas to serve US and Latin American clients and has appointed partnersin China, India, Spain, Romania, Czech Republic and Denmark. Exports accounted for 48% of total sales and overseasearnings growth for the three year period was 107%.

Limpsfield Combustion Engineering Co Ltd

Unit 7 Concorde Business CentreAirport Industrial Estate Main Road Biggin Hill

TN16 3YN


Managing Director: Mr Keith Knowles

Contactf or press enquiries: Andrea Stark

Tel: 01959 57***

Email: astark**[ta]**sfield.co.uk


Establishedin 1995 Limpsfield Combustion Engineering, basedin Kent, manufactures commercial and industrial burners thatoffer excellent reliability and maximise fuel efficiency. Over the last three years overseas sales have grown by 209%. This growthhas been achieved through reinvestment and constant research and development, enabling the company to grow its productrange. The company’s success is based on its strategy to develop sales of larger burners to fund research and development to develop new smaller burner products to sell to awider market. The US is its prime export market with 77% of sales. othermarkets include Europe, South Africa, Australia, Mexico and Chile, whilst Taiwan is currently being developed.

London School of Business & Finance (UK) Limited

9 Holborn




CEO: Mr Aaron Etingen

Contactf or press enquiries: LSBF Media Relations Team

Tel: 0203 535***

Email: news**[ta]**.org.uk


London School of Business & Finance (UK) Limitedprovides Foundation and Higher Education courses and professionalqualificationsin arange of academic and vocational subjects to students from overseas and the UK. The school has diversifiedits recruitment and delivery hubs across the UK and the world, enabling it to be competitive and deliver high quality training.

The school has had to meet significant challengesin the last two years, diversifying its delivery to take account of more stringent Government regulation on student visas and investingin overseas hubs. As part of its growth strategy, the school diversified itsproduct base, developing online learning and exploiting digital distribution channels including social media. 96% of the school’s sales are exports and overseas sales growth was 168% for the three year period.

Metal Events Limited

4 Salamanca Place



Finance Director: Mrs Rachel Carnac

Contactf or press enquiries: Jill Fitzgibbon

Tel: 0207 840***

Email: jill**[ta]**levents.com


Establishedin 2002 Metal Events Limited

basedin London, organises events for the global metals industry. This involves sellingconference services overseas, delegate places and sponsorship at its own events. Metal Events has successfully built the leadinginternational rare earths industry event from scratch. It started with 60 attendees at the inaugural conferencein 2004 and in2011 had over 350 participants. By focusing on the product requirements of emerging green technologies, such as wind power,batteries, hybrid cars and electronics, Metal Events has developed events that draw an international audience of purchasingdirectors and senior managers as well as miners and processors. International sales rose by 100% over the last three years andnew markets entered include Asia (including India), Russia and Eastern Europe and Latin America.

Nails Inc Ltd

6 Heddon StreetW1B 4BT


Employees: ***

Managing Director: Mrs Thea Green MBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Mrs Thea Green MBE

Tel: 0203 405***

Email: Thea.Green**[ta]**sinc.com


Nails Inc Ltd.

ayoung company and very recent exporter basedin London, started operatingin the UKin 2009 and its clearstrategy from the outset was to establish achain of branded nail bar concessionsin leading department stores with highfootfall. Nails Inc has created aworldwide business through an excellent strategy of identification of akey trading partner,Sephora. It has developed this partnership around the world, expanding outwardin each market by adapting and identifyingthe key opportunities to growin each territory. It has also identified other partners and developed astrong worldwide brand.

The exceptional focus on positioning the brand has enabled the company to attract more partners and opportunities,such as concessions.

Unit 8b & 8c

Beaver Industrial ParkTel: 0208 571***


Establishedin 2004, Southall-based Nasco (UK) Ltd

exports arange of British and European branded consumer goods.

The company has developed acustomer-orientated service, with detail ranging from language labelling to progressive trainingprogrammes to ensure office and warehouse staff understand individual market requirements. Nasco has employed acomprehensive approach to identifying and penetrating new markets, including web-based technology, market visits, exhibitionsand nurturing relationships with key partnersin target markets. The company operates mainlyin Africa, India and the Middle East and has opened new markets including Nigeria, the Philippines, Jordan, Poland, Canada, Yemen and Pakistan. Overseassales growth was 276%, with exports accounting for around 75% of turnover over the last three years.

Pentland Group plc

8 Manchester Square



Employees: ***

Chairman: Mr Stephen Rubin OBE

Contactf or press enquiries: John Olsen

Tel: 0203 128***

Email: john.olsen**[ta]**.com


Pentland Group plc began tradingin 1964 and now provides management of brands engagedin the design, sourcing, marketingand distribution of footwear and clothing to an international market place. It invests heavilyin market research and alot of itsbusiness is conducted on the internet, together with regular attendance at trade fairs and conferences. Its sales portfolio extends to 190 countries, with the US topping their wholesale sales at 25.6% and new markets last year accounting for 4.5% of overseassales. Pentland Group plc continually evaluates its market position and works to rejuvenate its brands.in addition, it invests intechnological improvements andin the creation of technologically innovative brands to help keep them at the forefront of themarket place.

Smart Voucher Ltd t/a Ukashthe Counting House

3rd Floor

53 Tooley StreetSE1 2QN


CEO: Mr David Hunter

Contactf or press enquiries: Wendy Harrison

Tel: 0208 977***

Email: wendy**[ta]**isonsadler.com


Establishedin 2001, London-based Smart Voucher Ltd t/a Ukash provides white-label and Ukash-branded electronic

money services. The company is awarded its third consecutive Queen’s Awardin International Trade. The product consists of consumers exchanging their cashin physical locations for aUkash code that they can use to spend online at websites thataccept Ukash or load to prepaid cards or eWallets. Ukash is available at over 440,000 locationsin over 55 countries acrosssix continents. Ukash has grown its markets through acombination of event attendance, B2B advertising, outbound directselling/prospecting, online/website activity and word of mouth tactics that are used to identify and recruit partners. This hasresultedin overseas sales growth of 146% over the last three years.

Sun Mark Ltd

428 Long Drive



Managing Director: Dr Raminder Ranger MBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Dr Raminder Ranger MBE

Tel: 0208 575***

Email: rami**[ta]**ark.co.uk


Foundedin 1983, Sun Mark Ltd

is amarketing and distribution companyin the fast moving consumer goods sector.

The company is receiving aQueen’s Awardin International Trade for an unprecedented fifth consecutive year. Export sales have,on average, increased by 35% per year over the last three years. The company sells everyday products at reasonable prices,assists large multinationals working on their “hard to reach” markets as well as producing its own brand products. Sun Mark Ltd

sells to 107 countries and capitalises on any specialism, either seasonal or religious, by careful research of the local market andby using local distribution partners. Seven new markets were entered last year. The company motto is ‘where there are increasedchallenges there are greater rewards’.

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr George Mackintosh

Tel: 0207 002***

Email: george.mackintosh**[ta]**plant.com


Establishedin 2008 and basedin London, TestPlant Ltd

is at the forefront of the digital economy. The company produces“eggPlant”, apatented software tool used to automate the testing of other software systems which underpin business ormission critical applications, such as online banking and aviation control systems. TestPlant has acomprehensive, wellresearchedmarketing strategy which has enabled rapid penetration of key markets. The company has established sales inNorth America, Asia and Europe and is proactivein developing the Indian market, partnering with key playersin the industry.

eggPlant uses ‘keys’ which allows atimed use of the technology, particularly benefiting the companyin its dealings withcorporations around the world while protecting its intellectual property. Exports accounted for around 77% of sales andoverseas sales growth for the last three years was 23***

Thirty Nine Essex Street Chambers

39 Essex StreetWC2R 3AT


Immediate Parent: Thirty Nine Essex Street LLP

Chief Executive and Director of Clerking: Mr David Barnes

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr David Barnes

Tel: 0207 832***

Email: david.barnes**[ta]**sex.com


Thirty Nine Essex Street Chambers, basedin London, is abarristers’ chambers offering servicesin dispute resolutionincorporating litigation, arbitration and consultative services. Chambers offers specialist legal advice, bothin the UK andinternationally, which is tailored to meet the needs of clients wherever they are located. Chambers has been successful inidentifying and penetrating key territories around the world, generating brand awareness through the strategic targeting of stakeholdersin commerce, government as well as through client recommendation. The company has established astrongpresencein Hong Kong and has been invited to open anew officein Singapore. The Singapore office will be an extension to Chambers’ already established presencein the Southern Hemisphere and will act as ahub to fully service jurisdictionsacross Asia. Chambers’ export sales increased and overseas earnings growth was 608% over the three year period.

Winn & Coales International Limited

Denso House

33-35 Chapel Road SE27 0TR


Employees: 111 Chairman: Mr David Winn OBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Graham Martin

Tel: 0208 670***

Email: gmartin**[ta]**o.net


Establishedin 1883, London-based Winn & Coales International Limited

produces anti-corrosion tapes, coatings, sealants andwaterproofing products. acurrent holder of aQueen’s Awardin International Trade, the company has improved performancewith increased exports to 90% of turnover and growth of 46% over three years. The company has awell-established international trade strategy with an emphasis on research and development. Its success is underpinned by ongoing investmentin its intellectual property and products. The USA is the company’s dominant market but it has aworldwide market spread andhas investedin manufacturing facilitiesin Australia, South Africa, USA and Canada. The company has successfully penetratedthe Chinese market, growing sales by 300% since 2009. New markets have been establishedin South America, Sub Sah***

Africa countries and the Pacific Islands.

Livity Ltd

9 Brighton Terrace



Managing Director & Co-Founder: Miss Michelle Clothier

Contactf or press enquiries: Paola Dos Santos

Tel: 07968 59***

Email: paola**[ta]**ty.co.uk


Livity Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for pioneering amethodology of youth engagementin business. The company, acommercially successful marketing organisation, works with young peoplein creating promotional campaigns and undertakingmarketing projects almost exclusively targeted at the young. The company’s unique understanding of young people, which iscontinually refreshed through the nature of its operation, helps it to win contracts concerning promotion to young audiences.

Through aworkforce predominantlyin the age-range 12 to 24 years and supported by professionals, it co-creates millions of hours of positive, quality youth content and promotes the power of marketingin answering business and social objectives to itsimpressive list of clients. Through acombination of employment, training, apprenticeships and mentoring, the company successfully fulfils its mission to improve the lives of young people.

Vitabiotics Ltd

1 Apsley Way NW2 7HF


Immediate Parent: Vitabiotics Group Holdings Ltd-British Virgin Islands


CEO: Dr Kartar Lalvani OBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Lucy Balaam

Tel: 0208 955***

Email: lbalaam**[ta]**biotics.com


an Innovation Award is made to Vitabiotics Ltd

for developing the ‘Pregnacare’ range of tablets. The micro-nutrient foodsupplement range is amarket-leader which increases fertility rates, may help reduce unhealthy births, supports foetal

development and aids post-natal breast-feeding. Originating from aprogramme of scientific research, the effectiveness of theproducts is supported by published scientific evidence from clinical trials. The innovative tablets increase the probabilities of conceptionin women undergoing ovulation induction and ongoing pregnancy rates. They reduce the risk of low birth weight andprovide folate/vitamin B12 which reduces the risk of neural tube defectsin foetuses. The breast-feeding supplement helps brainand eye developmentin babies. The range has been an outstanding commercial success with aUK market share of 70%.

Chiswick Park Estate Management Limited

Building 3

566 Chiswick High Road W4 5YA


Immediate Parent: Chiswick Park Unit Trust

Chief Executive: Ms Kay Chaston

Contactf or press enquiries: Ms Kay Chaston

Tel: 0208 636***

Email: kay.chaston**[ta]**y-work.com


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