国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Goodrich Global Pte Ltd  www.goodrichglobal.com.sg

Goodyear Orient Co. Pte Ltd  www.goodyear.com.sg

Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.google.com/sg

Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel  www.grandcopthorne.com.sg

Grand Hyatt Singapore  www.singapore.grand.hyatt.com.sg

Greatearth Construction Pte Ltd  www.greatearth.com.sg

Grey Group Pte Ltd  www.greygroupasiapacific.com

Guggenheim Consulting Pte Ltd  www.ggh.asia

Guocoland (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.guocoland.com.sg

Guthrie GTS Limited  www.guthrie-gts.com

Habib Bank Limited  www.hbl.com

Halcyon Agri Corporation Limited  www.halcyonagri.com

Halliburton Export Company Pte Ltd  www.halliburton.com

Halliburton Far East Pte Ltd  www.halliburton.com

Haw Par Corporation Limited  www.hawpar.com

Hay Group Pte Ltd  www.haygroup.com

Heineken Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.apb.com.sg

Heineken Far East Pte Ltd

Helu-Trans (S) Pte Ltd  www.helutrans.com

Henry Bath Singapore Pte Ltd  www.henrybath.com

Hiap Huat Holdings Pte Ltd  www.luzerne.com

Hitachi Construction Machinery Asia And Pacific Pte Ltd  www.hitachi-c-m.com/asia/

Hitachi Data Systems Pte Limited  www.hds.com

Hitachi Elevator Asia Pte Ltd  www.hea.hitachi.com.sg

Hitachi Koki (S) Pte Ltd  www.hitachi-koki.com

Hogan Lovells Lee & Lee  www.hllnl.com

Hollandse School Limited  www.hollandseschool.org

Holman Fenwick Willan Singapore Llp  www.hfw.com

Hong Kong Economic And Trade Office  www.hketosin.gov.hk

Hong Leong Finance Limited  www.hlf.com.sg

Hongkong Land (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.hkland.com

HSBC Limited  www.hsbc.com.sg

Huntsman (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.huntsman.com

Hup Soon Global Corporation Limited  www.hupsoon.com

Hup Yew Sen Construction Pte Ltd  www.hupyewsen.com.sg

IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd  www.ibcasia.com

IBM Ireland Product Distribution Limited - Singapore Branch  www.ibm.com

IBM Singapore Pte Ltd  www.ibm.com/sg/en

IIA Technologies Pte Ltd  www.2atechnologies.com

Ikano Pte Ltd  www.ikea.com.sg

Imax Technologies Pte Ltd

Impact Singapore Pte Ltd  www.impactinternational.com

Ince & Co Singapore Llp  www.incelaw.com

Incentive Dynamics (S) Pte Ltd  www.TravelFastTrack.com

Incisive Law LLC  www.incisivelaw.com

Indo Straits Trading Co (Pte) Ltd

Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.infineon.com

Infor (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd  www.lawson.com

INS Communications Pte Ltd  www.asiainsurancereview.com

INSEAD  www.insead.edu

International Community School (S) Ltd  www.ics.edu.sg

International Executive Education Center Pte Ltd  www.ieec.asia

International Rectifier S.E. Asia Pte Ltd  www.irf.com

International Sos Pte Ltd  www.internationalsos.com

Interroll (Asia) Pte Ltd  www.interroll.com

Intertek Testing Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.intertek.com

InvestKL Corporation  www.investkl.gov.my

Investment Co Ltd Of Rizhao International Ocean City  www.hyctzgs.cn

Invista (Singapore) Pte Ltd www2.invista.com

Invista Singapore Fibres Pte Ltd  www.invista.com

Inwah Private Limited  www.inwah.com

IPA Singapore Pte Ltd  www.axa-assistance.com.sg

ISS International School  www.iss.edu.sg

Italmec Industries (S) Pte Ltd  www.italmec.com.sg

Itochu Singapore Pte Ltd  www.itochu.com.sg

JAC Recruitment Pte Ltd  www.jac-recruitment.sg

James Cook Australia

Institute Of Higher Learning Pte Ltd  www.jcu.edu.sg

James Walker Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.jameswalker.biz

Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd  www.jcclgroup.com

Jardine Matheson (Singapore) Ltd  www.jardines.com

Jason Electronics (Pte) Ltd  www.jason.com.sg

JCB Sales Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.jcb.com

Jebsen & Jessen (SEA) Pte Ltd  www.jjsea.com

John Swire & Sons (S.E. Asia) Pte Limited  www.swire.com.sg

Johnson & Johnson Pte Ltd  www.synthes.com

Johnson Controls (S) Pte Ltd  www.johnsoncontrols.com

Jones Lang Lasalle Property Consultants Pte Ltd  www.joneslanglasalle.com.sg

JP Morgan Chase BankN.A.  www.jpmorgan.com

JPN Industrial Trading Pte Ltd  www.jpn.sg

Jr Global Training Pte Ltd  www.sandler.com.sg

Julia Gabriel Education Pte Ltd  www.juliagabriel.com

Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd  www.jspl.com.sg

K&L Gates LLP  www.klgates.com

K. C. Dat (S) Pte Ltd  www.asiantigers-mobility.com

Kaplan Higher Education

Institute Pte Ltd  www.kaplan.com.sg

Karcher South East Asia Pte Ltd  www.karcher.com.sg

Kelly Services (S) Pte Ltd  www.kellyservices.com

Keppel Corporation Ltd  www.kepcorp.com

Keppel Land Ltd  www.keppelland.com

Keysight Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd  www.keysight.com/en

Kim Seng Huat Hardware Pte Ltd  www.cosmosteel.com

Kimberly Clark Asia Pacific Headquarters Pte Ltd  www.kimberly-clark.com

Kingfisher Automotive Pte Ltd  www.kingfisherauto.com

Knight Frank Pte Ltd  www.knightfrank.com.sg

Knowledge Universe Pte Ltd  www.kueducation.com

Kohler Singapore Pte Ltd  www.kohlerpower.com.sg

Korn/Ferry International Pte Ltd  www.kornferryasia.com

KPMG Advisory Services Pte Ltd  www.kpmg.com.sg

KSB Singapore (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd  www.ksb.com.sg

Kulicke & Soffa Pte Ltd  www.kns.com

Kuok (Singapore) Limited  www.kuokgroup.com.sg

Lanco International Pte Ltd  www.lancogroup.com

Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg  www.lbbwsg.com

Langdale Management  www.langdalemanagement.com

Lanxess Butyl Pte Ltd

Lanxess Pte Ltd  www.lanxess.com

Latham & Watkins LLP  www.lw.com

LCI Investment Pte Ltd  www.lciinvestment.com

Leaconfield Capital Pte Ltd

Lee & Lee  www.leenlee.com.sg

Lee Kim Tah Holdings Limited  www.leekimtah.com

Leica Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.leica-microsystems.com

Lend Lease Singapore Pte Ltd  www.lendlease.com

Lenovo (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.lenovo.com

Lexisnexis  www.lexisnexis.com.sg

Lexygen  www.lexygen.com

LF Logistics Services Pte Ltd  www.idsgroup.com

LF Products Pte Ltd  www.lifung.com

LGT Bank (Singapore) Ltd  www.lgt.com

Li & Fung (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.lifung.com

London School Of Business & Finance Pte Ltd  www.lsbf.edu.sg

Lubrizol Southeast Asia (Pte) Ltd  www.lubrizol.com

Lucite International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.luciteinternational.com

M+W Singapore Pte Ltd  www.mwgroup.net

M1 Limited  www.m1.com.sg

Maersk Singapore Pte Ltd  www.maerskline.com

Mammoet (S) Pte Ltd  www.mammoet.com

Man Diesel & Turbo Singapore Pte Ltd  www.mandiesel.com

Mandarin OrientalSingapore  www.mandarinoriental.com

Mapletree Facilities Services Pte Ltd  www.mapletreeindustrial.com

Maps & Globe Specialist (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.mapsglobe.com

Marina Bay Sands Pte Ltd  www.marinabaysands.com

Marina Mandarin Singapore  www.meritushotels.com

Marsh (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.marsh.com.sg

Marubeni Asean Pte Ltd  www.marubeni.com

Marubeni International Commodities (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.marubeni.com

Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte Ltd  www.mastercard.com

Maxsoft Pte Ltd  www.maxsoftonline.com

May Oh & Wee  www.mayohwee.com

Maybank  www.maybank2u.com.sg

Mayer Brown Jsm (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.mayerbrownjsm.com

Mazars LLP  www.mazars.sg

MCL Land Ltd  www.mclland.com.sg

Mediacorp TV Singapore Pte Ltd  www.mediacorp.sg

Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.meinhardt.com.sg

Mercer (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.mercer.com.sg

MHE-Demag (S) Pte Ltd  www.mhe-demag.com

Microlight Sensors Pte Ltd  www.mlsensors.com

Micros-Fidelio Singapore Pte Ltd  www.micros.com

Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd  www.microsoft.com/singapore

Midpoint Properties Limited - Great World Serviced Apartments  www.greatworld.com.sg

Mini Environment Service Pte Ltd  www.mesgroup.com.sg

Mitsubishi Corporation  www.mitsubishicorp.com/sg/en/

Mitsuboshi Overseas Headquarters Private Limited  www.mitsuboshi.com

Mitsui & Co (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd  www.mitsui.co.jp

Mitsui Chemicals Asia PacificLtd ap.mitsuichem.com

Mizuho BankLtd.  www.mizuhocbk.co.jp

Modern Montessori International Pte Ltd  www.modern-montessori.com

Moet Hennessy Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.lvmh.com

Mohamed Mustafa And Samsuddin Co Pte Ltd  www.mustafa.com.sg

MOL (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.molsin.com.sg

Mori Hamada & Matsumoto (Singapore) LLP  www.mhmjapan.com

MSIG Holdings (Asia) Pte Ltd  www.msig-asia.com

MSIG Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.msig.com.sg

MTM Solutions Pte Ltd  www.mtmsolution.com

MTU Asia Pte Ltd  www.mtu-online.com.sg

Multitest Electronic Systems (Asia)  www.multitest.com

N.P. Foods (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.npsin.com

Nabarro LLP  www.nabarro.com

Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Singapore LLP http//www.noandt.com/en/

Namazie International Private Ltd  www.natural-rubber.com

Nanyang Technological University  www.ntu.edu.sg

National Association Of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS)  www.natas.travel

National Australia Bank Limited  www.nabasia.com.sg

National University Of Singapore  www.nus.edu.sg

NCS Pte Ltd  www.ncs.com.sg

NEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.nec.com.sg

Nestle R&D Center (Pte) Ltd  www.nestle.com

Nestle Singapore (Pte) Ltd  www.nestle.com

New Continent Enterprises Pte Ltd  www.newcontinent.com.sg

Nexus International School (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.nexus.edu.sg

Ngo Chew Hong Edible Oil Pte Ltd  www.ngochewhong.com

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Southeast Asia Pte Ltd  www.nssmc.com

Nipro Asia Pte Ltd  www.nipro.co.jp/en/

Nishimura & Asahi (Singapore) LLP  www.jurists.co.jp/eng/

Nishith Desai Associates  www.nishithdesai.com

Noble Resources International Pte Ltd  www.thisisnoble.com

Noble Resources Pte Ltd  www.thisisnoble.com

Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale Nord/Lb  www.nordlb.com

Norden Shipping (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.ds-norden.com

Norton Rose Fulbright (Asia) Llp  www.nortonrosefulbright.com

Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay  www.novotelclarkequay.com.sg

Novus Technik Pte Ltd  www.novus.com.sg

NSK International (Singapore) Pte Ltd

NSK Singapore (Private) Ltd

NXP Semiconductors Singapore Pte Ltd  www.nxp.com

O. Mustad & Son Pte Ltd  www.mustad.no

Oceanmaster Engineering Pte Ltd  www.oceanmaster.com.sg

Oerlikon Contraves Pte Ltd

Okura Flexible Automation Systems Pte Ltd  www.okura.com.sg

Olam International Limited  www.olamonline.com

Olswang Asia Llp  www.olswang.com

Olympus Singapore Pte Ltd  www.olympus.com.sg

Onetoone Interactive Pte Ltd  www.micepadapp.com

Opet Trade (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.opet.com.tr

Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd  www.oracle.com

Orion Project Services Pte Ltd  www.orionjobs.com

Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited  www.ocbc.com

Overseas Emporium Pte Ltd  www.oegroup.com.sg

Overseas Family School Limited  www.ofs.edu.sg

Overseas Korean Traders Association (Singapore)  www.okta.tradekorea.com

Overseas Ventures Pte Ltd

P.L. Global Impex Pte Ltd  www.plglobal.com

Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited - *(See Notes)  www.pcg-group.com

PAE Singapore Pte Ltd  www.pae.com.sg

Pan Pacific Singapore  www.panpacific.com

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