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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Pan Systems (S) Pte Ltd  www.pansyspl.com

Panalpina World Transport (S) Pte Ltd  www.panalpina.com

Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Asia  www.panasonic.com.sg

Panasonic Logistics Asia Pacific

Panasonic Procurement Asia Pacific

Panoramic Universal Ltd  www.panoramicuniversal.com

Pay2Home Direct (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.pay2homegroup.com

Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd  www.pearson.sg

Petrochemical Corporation Of Singapore (Pte) Ltd  www.pcs.com.sg

Petrus Huang Yen San

Philip Morris Singapore Pte Ltd  www.pmi.com

Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd  www.philips.com.sg

Phoon Huat & Company (Pte) Ltd  www.phoonhuat.com

Pirelli Asia Pte Ltd  www.my.pirelli.com

PKF-CAP LLP  www.pkfsingapore.com

Pokka Corporation (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.pokka.com.sg

Polymedic Trading Enterprise Pte Ltd  www.polymedic.com

PPG Coatings (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.ppgmc.com

PPL Shipyard Pte Ltd  www.ppl.com.sg

Praxis Management Consulting Pte Ltd  www.praxismanagementconsulting.com

Premier Fiduciary Pte Ltd  www.premierfiduciary.com

Premium Automobiles Pte Ltd  www.audi.com.sg

Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP  www.pwc.com/sg

Prime Air Global Pte Ltd  www.primetravels.sg

Prochem Solutions Pte Ltd  www.prochemsolutions.com

Progress Software Corporation (S) Pte Ltd  www.progress.com

PSA Corporation Limited  www.singaporepsa.com

PSB Academy Pte Ltd  www.psb-academy.edu.sg

Qatar National BankS.A.Q. - Singapore Branch  www.qnb.com.qa

QBE Insurance (International) Limited  www.qbe.com.sg

Qeuep Pte Ltd  www.qeuep.com

Rajah & Tann LLP  www.rajahtann.com

RC Hotels (Pte) Ltd  www.swissotel.com/singapore-stamford

Recall Total Information Management Pte Ltd  www.recall.com.sg

Reciprocus International Pte Ltd  www.reciprocus.com

Red Hat Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.redhat.com

Rentokil Initial Singapore Pte Ltd  www.rentokil-initial.com

Representations International Pte Ltd

Republic Polytechnic  www.rp.edu.sg

Resorts World At Sentosa Pte Ltd  www.rwsentosa.com

Reyl Singapore Pte Ltd  www.reyl.sg

Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP  www.rpc.co.uk

RGE Pte Ltd  www.rgei.com

Rheem Manufacturing Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.rheemmfg.com.sg

Rhtlaw Taylor Wessing LLP  www.rhtlawtaylorwessing.com

Richemont Luxury (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.richemont.com

Rico (Pte) Ltd  www.rico.com.sg

Ricoh (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.ricoh.sg

RISQ Worldwide Pte Ltd  www.risqworldwide.com

Rittal Pte Ltd  www.rittal.com

Robert Bosch (South East Asia) Pte Ltd  www.bosch.com.sg

Roche Diagnostics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.roche.com.sg

Rodyk & Davidson LLP  www.rodyk.com

Rohde & Schwarz Regional Headquarters Singapore Pte Ltd  www.rohde-schwarz.com.sg

Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd

Rotary Engineering Limited  www.rotaryeng.com.sg

RSH (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.rshlimited.com

Rsm Chio Lim LLP  www.rsmchiolim.com.sg

RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) Ltd  www.rsp.com.sg

Rubbernet (Asia) Pte Ltd  www.rubbernet.com.sg

Rutgers Business School Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.rutgers.edu.sg

S P Jain School Of Global Management Pte Ltd  www.spjain.org

S. K. Rosenbauer Pte Ltd  www.rosenbauer.com

SAAA[ta]Singapore  www.saaa.org.sg

Sabana Real Estate Investment Management Pte Ltd  www.sabana-reit.com

Sage Software Asia Pte Ltd  www.sageasiapac.com

Sandvik South East Asia Pte Ltd  www.sandvik.com

Santa Fe Relocation Services (S) Pte Ltd  www.santaferelo.com

SATS Ltd  www.sats.com.sg

Saxo Capital Markets Pte Ltd  www.saxomarkets.com.sg

Schaefer Systems International Pte Ltd  www.ssi-schaefer-asia.com

Schellenberg Wittmer Pte Ltd  www.swlegal.sg

Schott Singapore Pte Ltd  www.schott.com

SCS Global Pac  www.scsglobal.co.jp

Seagate Singapore International Headquarters Pte Ltd  www.seagate.com

Sembcorp Industries Ltd  www.sembcorp.com

Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd  www.sembcorp.com

Semperit Investments Asia Pte Ltd  www.semperit.at

Sew-Eurodrive Pte Ltd  www.sew-eurodrive.com

SGS Testing & Control Services Singapore Pte Ltd  www.sgs.com

Shangri-La Hotel Limited  www.shangri-la.com/singapore/shangrila/

Shanker Iyer Consultants Pte Ltd  www.iyerpractice.com

Shearman & Sterling LLP  www.shearman.com

Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd  www.shell.com.sg

Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) Ltd  www.shell.com

Sheraton Towers Singapore Hotel  www.sheratonsingapore.com

Shook Lin & Bok LLP  www.shooklin.com

Showtec Communications Pte Ltd  www.showtecgroup.com

Shred-It Singapore Pte Ltd  www.shredit.com

SIA Engineering Company Limited  www.siaec.com.sg

Siemens Medical Instruments Pte Ltd  www.siemens.com.sg/hearing

Siemens Pte Ltd  www.siemens.com.sg

Simpleshow Asia Pte Ltd  www.simpleshow.sg

Sin-Tang Development Pte Ltd  www.sintangdev.com

Sincere Watch Limited  www.sincerewatch.com

Singapore Airlines Ltd  www.singaporeair.com

Singapore American School Limited  www.sas.edu.sg

Singapore Exhibition Services Pte Ltd  www.sesallworld.com


Institute Of Management  www.sim.edu.sg

Singapore Land Limited  www.singland.com.sg

Singapore Management University  www.smu.edu.sg

Singapore Oxygen Air Liquide Pte Ltd  www.soxal.com

Singapore Post Limited  www.singpost.com

Singapore Power Ltd  www.singaporepower.com.sg

Singapore Press Holdings Limited  www.sph.com.sg

Singapore Refining Company Private Limited  www.src.com.sg

Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd  www.staero.aero

Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd  www.stengg.com

Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel)  www.singtel.com

Singapore Test Services Pte Ltd  www.test.com.sg

Singapore Tong Teik (Pte) Ltd  www.rcma-commodities.com

Singaporean-German Chamber Of Industry And Commerce  www.sgc.org.sg

Sinoturk Trading Pte Ltd  www.sinoturk.com

SKF Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.skf.com

Skyventure VWT Singapore Pte Ltd  www.iflysingapore.com

Snap-On Tools Singapore Pte Ltd  www.snapon.com

Societe Des Matieres Premieres Tropicales Pte Ltd (SMPT)  www.michelin.com.sg

Societe Generale Bank & Trust - Singapore Branch  www.privatebanking.societegenerale.com

Sojitz Asia Pte Ltd  www.sojitz.com

Solareo Pte Ltd  www.solareo.sg

Solstad Offshore Asia Pacific Ltd  www.solstad.com

Solutia Singapore Pte Ltd  www.solutia.com

Sony Electronics (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.sony.com.sg

Sony Electronics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.sony.com.sg

Soon Lian Holdings Limited  www.soonlian.com

Sri Trang International Pte Ltd  www.sritranggroup.com

SSC Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd

ST&T International Pte Ltd  www.stntinternational.com

Stahl Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.stahl.com

Stamford American International School Pte Ltd  www.sais.edu.sg

Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited  www.standardchartered.com.sg

Starhub Ltd  www.starhub.com/business

State Bank Of India

Stephenson Harwood LLP  www.shlegal.com

Stirling Coleman Capital Limited  www.stirlingcoleman.com

STMicroelectronics Pte Ltd  www.st.com

Styrolution South East Asia Pte Ltd  www.styrolution.com

Sumitomo Chemical Asia Pte Ltd  www.sca.com.sg/english/

Sumitomo Corporation Asia & Oceania Pte Ltd  www.sumitomocorp.co.jp/english

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Singapore Branch  www.smbc.co.jp

Sunnyjaya Engineering  www.sunnyjaya.com

Suntec Real Estate Consultants Pte Ltd  www.suntecrealestate.com

Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre  www.suntecsingapore.com

Surbana International Consultants Pte Ltd  www.surbana.com

Swarovski Singapore Trading Pte Ltd  www.swarovski.com

Swee Bee Co. Pte Ltd  www.sweebee.com.sg

Sweetyet Development Pte Ltd  www.sdl-group.com

Swiber Holdings Limited  www.swiber.com

Symrise Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.symrise.com

Syngenta Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.syngenta.com

Sysmex Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.sysmex-ap.com

T-Systems Singapore Pte Ltd  www.t-systems.com.sg

Tanglin Trust School Ltd  www.tts.edu.sg

Tata Communications International Pte Ltd  www.tatacommunications.com

TCRC Inspections Far East Pte Ltd  www.unispec.com.sg

Tektronix Southeast Asia Pte Ltd  www.tektronix.com

Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd  www.temasekholdings.com.sg

Temasek Polytechnic  www.tp.edu.sg

Tetra Pak South East Asia Pte Ltd  www.tetrapak.com

Tetsusho (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.tetsusho.co.jp

Texas Instruments Singapore (Pte) Ltd  www.ti.com

The Bank Of Nova Scotia Asia Limited  www.scotiabank.com

The Bank Of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJLtd  www.bk.mufg.jp

The Executive Centre Singapore Pte Ltd  www.executivecentre.com

The Henley Group Pte Ltd  www.thehenleygroup.com.sg

The Hour Glass Limited  www.thehourglass.com

The Lexicon Group Limited  www.sunbusinessnetwork.com

The Norinchukin Bank  www.nochubank.or.jp

The Northern Trust CompanySingapore Branch  www.northerntrust.com

The Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC  www.rbs.com.sg

The Straits Trading Co. Ltd  www.stc.com.sg

The University Of Chicago Booth School Of Business  www.chicagobooth.edu

ThuemmelSchuetze & Partners LLP  www.tsp-law.com

Thyssenkrupp Singapore Pte Ltd  www.thyssenkrupp.com

Tillery & Sachs Pte Ltd  www.tillerysachs.com

Tiong Woon Crane & Transport Pte Ltd  www.tiongwoon.com

TMC Academy Pte Ltd  www.tmc.edu.sg

Tong Teik Pte Ltd  www.rcma-rubber.com

Toshiba Singapore Pte Ltd  www.toshiba.com.sg

Total Oil Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd  www.total.sg/www.elf.sg

Tower Club Singapore  www.tower-club.com.sg

Towers Watson Singapore Pte Ltd  www.towerswatson.com

Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.toyotasingapore.com.sg

Toyota Tsusho Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.toyotsu.com.sg

TPSC ASIA PTE LTD  www.totalpetrochemicals.com

Trane Distribution Pte Ltd  www.trane.com

Tricor Singapore Pte Ltd  www.sg.tricorglobal.com

Tridonic S.E.A. Pte Ltd  www.tridonic.com

Trillion Property Pte Ltd  www.trillioncommercial.com.sg

UBS AG  www.ubs.com

UMW Equipment & Engineering Pte Ltd  www.umwequipment.com

Unilever Asia Private Limited  www.unilever.com.sg

United Engineers Limited http//www.uel.com.sg

United Overseas Bank Ltd  www.uob.com.sg

United Parcel Service Singapore Pte Ltd  www.ups.com

United Technologies International OperationsInc.  www.utc.com

United World College Of South East Asia  www.uwcsea.edu.sg

Varada Resources Pte Ltd

Varta Microbattery Pte Limited  www.varta-microbattery.com

Verantis (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.verantis.com

Veritas Engineering & Services Pte Ltd  www.vespl.com.sg

Veritas Petroleum Services (Asia) Pte Ltd  www.v-p-s.com

Verztec Consulting Pte Ltd  www.verztec.com

Vinmar Overseas (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.vinmar.com

Virtus Law LLP  www.arthurloke.com

Viscom Machine Vision Pte Ltd  www.viscom.com

Volkswagen Group Singapore Pte Ltd  www.vw.com.sg

Volvo East Asia Pte Ltd  www.volvo.com

Vopak Terminals Singapore Pte Ltd  www.vopak.com

Vosper Naval Systems Pte Ltd

VP Bank (Singapore) Ltd  www.vpbank.com

Wacker Chemicals (South Asia) Pte Ltd  www.wacker.com

Walton International Group (S) Pte Ltd  www.walton.com

Wartsila Pumps Pte Ltd  www.wartsila.sg

Waters Pacific Pte Ltd  www.waters.com

Weber Shandwick  www.webershandwick.asia

West Pharmaceutical Services Singapore Pte Ltd

Westpac Banking Corporation Singapore  www.westpac.asia

Wheelock Properties (Singapore) Limited  www.wheelockproperties.com.sg

White & Case Pte Ltd  www.whitecase.com

Wiha Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.wiha.com

Williams-Sonoma Singapore Pte Ltd  www.williams-sonomainc.com

Wilmar International Limited  www.wilmar-international.com

Wongpartnership LLP  www.wongpartnership.com.sg

Woox Innovations Singapore Pte Ltd  www.woox.com

World Kitchen (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd  www.worldkitchenasia.com

X-PM Partners Pte Ltd  www.x-pm.com

X`Pan Trading Pte Ltd

Yamaha Motor Distribution Singapore Pte Ltd  www.yamaha-motor.co.jp

Yeo Hiap Seng Limited  www.yeos.com.sg

Yongnam Engineering & Construction (Pte) Ltd  www.yongnam.com.sg

Yusen Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.sg.yusen-logistics.com

Zagro Singapore Pte Ltd  www.zagro.com

Zenith Industrial Chemicals Pte Ltd  www.zenith-industrial-chemicals.com

Zero Spot Laundry Service Pte Ltd  www.zerospot.com


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